14~ Thunderstruck

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Hellomy precious readers! My exams have finally ended and I'm finally free to write some more chapters. Here ya' go~ The 14th chappy.

Third person POV

"Uh....Karma kun? I think that we might have lost our way out." Nagisa said while holding his pokepad which wasn't working due to the magnetic field that was present.

The two boys were, right now, at the Kalos power plant since it was the shortest way to go to Lumiose city. Unluckily, their pokepads and pokedex stopped working because of the magnetic field and they are currently going around in circles.

"Hmm.....I think we can search for the power plant first." Karma said while looking at the stretch of dry land with no sign of life anywhere.

The red head then sweat dropped, "If we can find that too."

Nagisa just chuckled nervously before feeling a sting on his hand. "Ow! Who did that?" He winced, rubbing at the place where it had stung and looking around for the source of spark.

"What happened?" The red head asked and Nagisa just rubbed the stinging spot.

"I think that something just stung me."

Karma whispered something in Nagisa's ear and the blue head nodded his head.

He felt the sparks again but this time he caught the source of the spark. "Ha! I caught you." He looked at his palms to see a tiny electric mouse Pokemon gazing at him curiously.

"Pi-chu?" The pale yellow mouse Pokemon tilted its head as the blue head had got a firm grip on it. It nuzzled on the blue head's hand while gesturing towards a direction.

"Pi, pi-chu!" Karma and Nagisa looked at each other before shrugging and going towards the place that Pichu was gesturing to.

"H-hey! Where are you taking us?" The Pichu just kept running forward on all its four taking them towards somewhere.

"That's the power plant!" Nagisa exclaimed and Karma looked at the Pichu who looked like it was trying to tell them to go quicker. Pichu tugged on Nagisa's sleeve, making him go towards the power plant and the red head did the same.

When they got a closer look, they found out that the gates had been destroyed and all the electric pokemons were asleep on the ground.

"What happened here?" Karma said while looking at all the unconscious pokemons as and the gate which looked like it had been destroyed because of a pokemon move.

Nagisa watched curiously as the Pichu headed over towards an unconscious Ampharos. It nudged the sheep Pokemon getting no answer. The tiny mouse Pokemon looked really guilty and sad.

"Come here." Nagisa said, surprising the teary eyed Pokemon. "I don't know what happened but I don't think that any of it was your fault so, please stop looking so down."

Pichu was touched and surprised by the blue head's kindness. No one except the electric pokemons that were present in this power plant had treated him well. He had been thrown out of the daycare as soon as he had hatched.

Ampharos was the one who took care of him, fed him and taught him. He also had his master to train him and teach him some moves. He didn't believe that human could be kind or empathetic at all. Was he wrong?

He found himself in a warm hug as the blue head muttered, "We'll help your friends too. Don't worry. Just let us know what had happened here."

Pichu sniffled before rubbing his tears off which were already trying to escape his eyes. "Pi, pi-chu, pichu!" The mouse Pokemon said after his tears were gone as he pointed towards a destroyed door.

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