24~ Icy surprise

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I'll be skipping most of the battle again. Sorry if someone was looking forward to it. This chapter isn't just titled icy surprise because of the battle.

Third person POV

"Abomasnow use icicle crash!"

"Grovyle use slam to dodge it and use quick attack!"

Karma and Wulfric, both only had one Pokemon left each which were battling right now. The battle needed only 3 pokemons to participate which Karma did and chose three of his pokemons.

He had chosen Growlithe, Grovyle and Gengar. Yup, three pokemons whose names started with G.

Growlithe helped in knocking out Avalugg and even inflicting some serious damage to Glalie who was the second pokemon. Gengar tied with Glalie and left Grovyle to battle with Wulfric's signature Pokemon, Abomasnow.

Nagisa was sitting at one of the seats in the sideline, watching the battle with a worried look. Karma had a type disadvantage right now and Abomasnow still had mega evolution as his secret weapon.

"Now use Leaf blade."

The plume on Grovyle's arms extended and glowed green as he struck at the ice type pokemon. It wasn't very effective but Abomasnow got pushed back to the ground.

"Abomasnow, mega evolve!" The ice type gym leader said while revealing his key stone.

Nagisa could hear the red head breathe's hitch at the sudden mega evolution. It was going to be an extremely difficult battle now.

The pokemons cheered for Karma even though Abomadnow had mega evolved, showing that they were still at his side.

Sandile was still a young Pokemon in terms of age and power so Karma decided it would be for the best if he didn't battle using the young desert croc pokemon.

Karma smirked even though he could feel beads of sweat on his neck. He had to show that the training that he did with Nagisa wouldn't go to waste.

His mercury eyes were determined even though his words said otherwise. Grovyle shared an identical expression along with his trainer before he glanced at him for instructions.


"You melted the ice, that was I after all." Wulfric said after losing the battle against Karma.

It had to be a miracle that Grovyle evolved into a Sceptile while blocking the Abomasnow's hammer arm with his own X scissor. Sceptile learned two moves on the spot after that which were displayed in the battle, Dual chop and Night slash.

Karma looked proud of his pokemons after the match.

"Heh, it seems like we will be able to try mega evolving after all." Karma said, taking out the Sceptilite which gleamed brightly.

The stone glowed when it was near Sceptile so maybe that's a sign that he could mega evolve him. Only if the blue head didn't remind him though.

"We still have to go to Gurkinn to ask the permission to mega evolve." Nagisa reminded the red head making him sigh and put his Sceptilite where it was before.


"Karma! The eggs!" Nagisa whisper yelled excitedly while pointing at the two white eggs.

They were shaking wildly and glowing which was, according to Nagisa's memory, the final stage of an egg hatching and forming into a baby pokemon.

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