11~ Poison

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Hello, my adorabled readers! I've decided which Pokemon should be in the egg so, hope you don't mind my choices!

Third person POV

"Wow! This place is so relaxing."

Nagisa had a bright smile on his face and Karma had a smaller one. They reached Coumarine city after many days since the Gogoat ranch was on the way here.

Both of them tried riding the Gogoats and learned quite a few tricks about riding a Pokemon ride.

A quaint feeling washed over the two trainers and a pleasant smell wafted in the air. They could see the ranch that the Gym leader of this city owned. It had lots of grass type pokemons making the whole city smell pleasant.

This region had the lowest crime and suicide rate since everyone were happy, relaxed and pleasant people.

"Nagisa kun, your pokepad just beeped right now." Karma said and the blue haired boy took it out. A key like notification icon was displayed on his screen as he went near Karma showing it to him too.

He clicked on the icon and a video popped up.

"Bonjour, I am Monsieur Pierre. I sent this video to you to inform that we will be holding a dance party in Coumarine city and all performers are invited." Klefky jingled near him and he gestured towards the dark stage.

"And we have a special guest who was kind enough to accept our invitation." The lights turned on, revealing a blonde girl with pale pink eyes wearing a blue dress and a tiara on her head.

She bowed lightly while facing the camera with a smile. "Hello, performers. I am Nanase Hikari, the current Kalos queen. I will be gladly joining the dance party so, please have a wonderful time." The camera turned to Monsieur Pierre who raised his staff as he spoke up.

"And the dance will be held tomorrow at the Coumarine hall so, please do come. You must bring a date with you and have a Pokemon who's willing to go together with you."

Nagisa nodded along the words while glancing towards Karma who was smirking at him playfully. "Finally, I'll get to see Nagisa kun wearing a dress." The blue haired boy huffed before looking away from Karma.

"I'm not a girl, you know?! And I don't think I'll be going anyway." Nagisa shrugged as he switched his pokepad off putting it inside his pocket.

Karma just hummed before looking around the ranch that they were in. "This gym leader must be clever since he's using Sunfloras to gather solar energy." He mused, looking at the Sun floras who were bathing in the sunlight.

"I've heard that he is a really calm and thoughtful person. He even helps the people to decorate the Pledging tree when the festival arrives." Nagisa said and waved at the group of Bellosom who were dancing and waving towards him.

"Well, I'll beat him in a battle anyway." Karma said, hitting his palm with his fist making Nagisa sigh. "How are you even so confident?" Karma flashed a fanged grin and a peace sign at the blue head.

"Watch out!" Both of them turned around to see a Muk running towards them in full speed with a spectaled girl chasing after it. The Muk nearly slammed into the trainers if not for Braixen who used protect.

The purple haired girl sighed in relief while crouching near Muk and taking out a small test tube where she scooped a bit of Muk's toxic that he had been producing.

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