Chapter 8: Home?

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Vixen's P.O.V 

"Shit!" I shouted in pain. Another freakin tree, i -i just want to go home. tears started to spill from my eyes. why can't i remeber where home is, think Vix. 

'Hey voice in my head now would be a great time to help me.' silence

'please i just want to get away, go home, even my name would be nice.' and finally after a year of silence i heard it.

'leaf village...lady hokage knows you...your name is-'  his voice faded sounding very tired.

"ok no crying its ok now you have a start." i tried encouraging myself, and whipped my tears with my bare arms. i started walking again this time keeping my hands in front of me to try not to bump into anything. after walking away from the creeps, my hands grabbed something soft.


"thats my boob your squeezing!" a female voice said in embarrassment.

"ahh im s-sorry" i retreated my hand back against my naked body. still not trusting this female i stepped back.

"we arnt here to hurt you, we are shinobi of the village hidden in the leaf." the girl i gropped explained.

"Wait.. the leaf village?" i questioned.

"yes thats us." a mans voice came from behind me scaring me to bump into the girl.

"dont come near me!" i tried kicking the man in the balls but he caught me, and placed a blanket around me.

"we will not have any more of the jewels being crushed today, my name is kakashi. whats your name? and why are you naked?" he asked me. 

"i dont know your names and you want me to trust you? i just want to go home...i dont even remember my name...its been so long i dont remeber much..." 

"My name is Sakura, and thats Kakashi, he gave you the blanket." i nod thanking kakashi for the blanket. i still held onto this female now named sakura.

"my Name is hinata, these are my teammates Shino, and kiba-


"and Akamaru, Kiba's partner." i was still hesitant but nodded.

"hey you are still bleeding i can smell it!" the boy Kiba said. "Can i please help..."

"No! Men are bad dont touch me...dont...dont touch me.."

"its Ok ill heal you." Sakura came towards me and i felt a warm hand come towards me.

"can you guys give us some privacy, hinata, and kiba stay with me." Sakura commanded. 

"right" they both answered.

"hey do you think you can take me with you? i need to see lady Hokage." i explained. Sakura laid me down and began what i believe is the healing processes.

"How do you know lady hokage?" Hinata asked with a soothing voice it made me sleepy. 

"i dont know the voice ....told me to find... her." my mind became pretty fuzzy, and all i heard was them asking what voice.

no ones p.o.v 

"well how is she?" Kiba asked with Akamaru laying next to him, guarding the girls as they continued to heal the red head." because i know its not good i can smell the semen and blood" Kiba was getting angry, with every word dripping with venom.

"we healed all the cuts and bruises, she was tortured and raped so mentally we dont know hows shes doing? her eyes seem to be damaged but i believe lady Hokage can fix them." Sakura came out to get some water from the canteen that Kiba had. 

" the poor girl, she said she needed to see lady Hokage does that mean she knows her?" Kiba stood up from the dirt floor and stretched his arms, cracking his back a bit. 

"Maybe, Did the others leave?"

"yea the teams left to return the girls back to a safe house so they can be returned to there family's, and kakashi and Sasuke left to take the men to jail. they will be meeting us at the village." He explained.

"alright i guess we can take her back, Kiba carry her and lets head out." Sakura ordered.

"kay" Kiba picked up the now clothed girl gently into a bridal hold, she was so light probably  from being malnourished.

Time Skip 

"We should be home soon." hinata said. they have been running none stop, and thankfully our young guest hasnt woken.

"" Kiba spoke to soon. Vixen started to stir.

"Girls shes waking up, and i dont think it would be a good idea that i am holding her." Kiba explained.

"Right." they all stopped and laid her down.

Narutos P.O.V

 What is this warmth? it feels really nice, so comfy. 

  "Girls shes waking up, and i dont think it would be a good idea that i am holding her." Kiba explained. A man is carrying me, but for some reason i feel fine very comfy, and calm. we stopped and he tried to put me down but i didnt want to let go.

"no...its warm." i complained, he was hesitant but thankfully he let me hold on to him. 

"are you sure your comfortable with me holding you?" kiba asked me with conceren. 

"yes your very warm and safe. Are we there yet? i need granny Tsunade." i whispered still tired. 

"So how do you know lady Hokage?" Sakura asked. i still dont know how safe i am with them they could be some of the people that dont like me and still want to  kill me.

"umm you can say we go way back."

"thats it?" kiba questioned.

"well to tell the truth i used to be a ninja, now i dont remember much, from my past just certain memories or names."

"thats awsome but i never seen you around." kiba replied back.

"well i was a sex slave for 3 years, before i was captured i remembered i was on a retrieve mission and i was betrayed by a boy i thought i loved, but i hate him, because of whats hes done to me. i will kill him with my own hands, i hate him.... i just hate him so much.." tears once again came down my face into Kibas shirt.

"im.. sorry that happened to you, but your safe now, and we will try to get your memories back." 

"thanks but right now i just want granny Tsunade, shes the only one who can help now."

"We made it." Sakura shouted making me jump a little, Kiba growled a little at her and squeezed me closer. i feel so warm it makes me happy.

"Lady Hokage," sakura knocked on the door waiting for an answer. 

"Enter" A voice i recognize replied, and all these memories of Granny came to my head.

"You finally made it- Who is this." i couldnt wait any longer i jumped down from kibas arms and reached forward to touch her cheek. 

"Granny its you....i-ive missed you s-so much." so many emotions came out of me at once. sadness, anger, longing. "why didnt you come find me i - i waited for 3 years and no one came for me, the torture, the humiliation, the rape, and you never came....why"

"im sorry but i dont know you, miss..."

"granny its me naruto, i know ive change.. but it-its me." next thing i k now i feel a sting on my cheek making it swollen from the slap.

"Don't you ever speak that name you lie!"

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