Chapter 18: Safe place to love

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No P.o.v.

"What is that?" Naru asked.

"My favorite place." Kiba opened the door to show what was inside. Inside where puppies running, chasing each other. 

"Oh my Kami, Kiba this is.. amazing." Naru said in awe wanting to put them but noticed the female mothers of dogs watching her carefully. 

"You can play with them you know. you are with me the mothers wont do anything when you are with me." Kiba comfort her. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled. All the pups ran to them and started to play with them.

"There's so many of them, How many are there?" Naru said picking up a brown pup with a black dot on the middle of her forehead, and nuzzled her nose to the pups wet one.

 "haha their are 2 litters of 12 pups. so all together 24 pups, but some female dogs come to help with the pups because, as you can tell, they are a handful." he said scratching a dark gray pups ear. "ok im going to show you my favorite thing to do" Kiba grabbed Naru's hand and laid her down on the ground, Kiba doing the same but not letting go of her hand. "Close your eyes." Kiba said.

Naru closed her eyes and next thing she felt was fuzzy little warm things climbing on her, running around and some even licking her face. Naru and Kiba giggled, and laughed at the pups tickling them. Naru opened her eyes and looked at Kiba's Laughing face and her heart started to thump a little face.

'im ...Hungry' Naru sat up Kiba felt her stand up and followed her lead.

"Whats wrong?" Kiba asked leaving the rest of the pups to play with each other. 

"I hear someone." 

'im cold..' the voice said again.

"Where are you?" Naru said following the voice 

'here im here...' a little pup with all silver white hair came out, his Yellow eyes dull, he was so tiny. The pup hesitantly walked up to the red head. 

"Hi there, little fella.well aren't you the cutest. Kiba whats his name." Naru said as she picked up the smallest pup.

"Hes named after my great great great great grandfather. Inuyasha, or inu for short. this little guy is tough for what he is." Kiba said scratching the pups belly.

"Why whats wrong with him?" Naru said concerned for the young pup.

"Well in every litter there is the smallest and weakest pup, what we call a runt. Sadly the mothers tend to ignore the runts need to keep her healthy and stronger pups, well feed." Kiba said sadly at the pup. Naru looked at the cold hungry pup, the pup reminded Naru so much off herself. Nobody wanted her, nobody cared for her, she was alone.

"Why hasn't anybody in your clan feed it by hand?" 

"You dont think we tried that, he just wont eat." Kiba went into the cabinet to grab the pups formula and got it ready to show her what he meant. Kiba grabbed the young pup and tried to feed him the bottle. 

'yucky its cold, and yucky' the pup said, refusing the bottle. 

"he doesn't like it cause its cold and yucky." Naru stated as she walked to the cabinet and started to look for something.

"How do you know that" kiba said still trying to feed the pup. Even though Kiba was a soon to be alpha man, he stilled had a caring heart.

"He told me." Naru said finally finding what she was looking for. She pulled the breast pump out and untied her left shoulder string of her dress to reveal her left breast and started to pump. 

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