Chapter 31: Wolf Demon and Dog Demon. Friend or Foe

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No p.o.v

Silence filled the room only the sound of spoons and dishes clashing together was made. Two men sitting and enjoying the dinner one of them had prepared.

"I can't take it anymore!" The injured one screamed as he threw his dish of miso soup on the floor. The other healthy male sighed in defeat.

"My poor dishes, they don't come cheap, you know." He said as he continued to eat his soup. "And my Homemade miso soup, gone to waste..." He sighed once more.

"How can you joke. Im so angry with you right now. And that nasty piece of shitty sludge is disgusting. I don't know how you can stomach that crap." Both stopped what they were doing and looked down to the brown sludge that was suppose to be Miso soup. 

"Well some of us don't have a lovely girlfriend at home who can cook, you know... Kiba." Kiba turned to the man who helped Sasuke try to kill him. " Would you like another bowl of sludge.?" The man offered.

"No... I need to get back to Naru she must be so devastated, she probably thinks im dead. I need to get back what if Sasuke tries to hurt her. that bastred ill fuckin kill him, and you why did you save me." Kiba sat down still confused and angry.

"I told you long time ago my great great great great grandfather who was the alpha of the wolf demon tribe , Koga, was frenemies with your great great great great grandfather. they didn't like each other because they both fell in love with your Great great great great grandmother, Kagomai, who was mortal. But he found the love of his life and got over her, and they soon became brothers and its been like that for years. I didn't realize who you where till later on and saved you, you should be grateful." 

"Grateful my ass, you almost killed me, you flee bag." Kiba said. 

"Look it here you mangy mutt. i saved you, banged you up, let you sleep on my bed, and even feed you my sludge miso soup. the least you can do is to pretend to like it." Kiba sighed and sat down. 

"You right im just worried about Naru. Shes.. We are expecting a healthy baby, and she has miscarried before do to stress. i just want her to be safe, both her and the baby. why cant i leave."

"You arnt strong enough to leave yet, and Sasuke could try killing you again." Kiba thought for a second.

"What if you go to my home town to just check up on her?!" He said, standing up from his chair.

"What! Me?" The questioned.

"Please do me this favor in honor of being family friends." Kiba grabbed the man hands. The looked up into his eyes and starred in defeat.

"Fine... I'll just have to make sure not to run into Sasuke." 

"Thank you so much ..ugh... Whats your name again." Kiba said as he scratched the back of his head. 

"Konan, you can call me Konan." Konan said as he went back to eating his soup.


Oooooo leave a comment if you didn't see this coming.

As always ill see you next time!


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