Chapter 33:Insanity! Doubt! Babies!

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Naru lifted herself from the ground in the basement.

"Looks like they think im still blind, idiots." Naru lifted her right hand and added wind chakara to it ,causing it to turn into a blue blade, and cut the chains that where attached to her legs. 

"It ends now." Naru stood up and ascended the stairs, with chakara blade still on her hand. Foot steps could be heard coming down the stairs, and Naru was ready she infused chakara to her feet and stuck them to the ceiling. The man walked underneath her and she slammed down unto his head with her hand slicing his throat. 

"Thats one." Naru whipered, as she smeared the blood off her face.

time jump---------------------------------------------

Naru walked up the stairs, with a insane grin on her face, every man she killed, was also a piece of sanity that she killed along with them she was loosing herself. 

"94....94.....94...." she counted.

"Vixen! you bitch! AHHHHH!" A man Naru remembered as the man who dragged her back to the house by the hair.

"Die scum!" Naru was hit in the shoulder by the blade but was able to stab him in the head causing him to die immediately. Naru was covered from head to toe in the enemy's blood.

"95....95....95....95.." she went back to her chant. She felt so, so powerful. She could feel the power rushing through her body. Deep down inside Naru something sinister, something evil was breaking through, and naru... well Naru loved it.

"Masterrrr... Maasssterrr.... where are you?" No one answered her lovely, yet sicking, words. Naru kicked down a yellow door and saw some men cowering in the corner. with each step Naru took more blood stained the floor. 

"Hello little men... if you tell me where the Master is i might let you live." Naru wasnt going to let them live, so they can hurt more people. 

"Hes in the room behind the book case on the second floor." Naru smiled a sinister smile and came closer to the men and slaughtered them with one move.

"Wind breath." She blew out a sharp breath, that caused the men to be cut in to pieces.

"What a bloody mess. 96....97.....98....98....98" Naru was losing herself to hate and power and she loved it.



"Kiba, im back and i have news!" Konan called out. Heavy foot steps could be heard as Kiba came down with a big white dog.

"WHat the hell is that mangy mutt doing in my house!" Konan yelled, as he sat down  in a chair.

"Hes not a mutt hes my partner, and just told me Naru isnt in the village. She left after finding out i died and no one told her. Also no one nows that Sasuke killed me." Kiba scratched the back of Akamaru's head, as he explained.

"Yea i know thats what i got when i went to Konaha. So whats the plan now?" Kiba was now almost completely healed all that was left was just his arm which was dislocated. 

"Well im going to look for Naru, duh and Akamaru is taking me there. your welcome to come along, if you want." Kiba had put on his left shoe and was getting ready to head out the door.

"I'll come its not like i have anything else left to do." Konan followed Kiba out his door and set off with the two others.


"Inu are you sure its this way, cause you lead us to a dead end." Inu, Hana, and Tsume where standing infront of a waterfall.

"Can't you smell her, just follow me." Inu lead the way into the waterfall, and turned into a deep cave. The three of them covered their noses in disgust.

"Thats alot of blood maybe a couple of days old blood, you said Naru gave birth right, did she lose blood during childbirth?" Hana being a medic to both dogs and humans, she knew what child birth was.

"Yea she had twins both boys, it was a hard thing to watch. I couldn't believe something that big could come out of someone so small. all the screaming and blood didn't help either." Inu shivered at the memory. Inu put out his hand, to stop the older inuzuka female's. 

"Look there, the shadows figures." Inu whispered as he hugged the cold, wet cave wall. Both females hugged the walls as well and watched three figures. One was arguring with the another and one looked like it was on all four.

"Enemys?" Hana asked, eyes still focused on the shadows.

"Maybe, look they coming our way. get into fighting position." Tsume ordered, both nodded.

"Thats Naru's blood, what the hell happened. dammit !" One figure shouted.

"Kiba relax, i understand but we have to stay calm. she could be anywhere." all of them froze at the name of a should be dead Inuzuka.

"Akamaru are you sure this is the place?" 

"Woooooof" That confirmed there doubt it was him.

"Kiba!?" Three pairs of eyes meet three other pairs of eyes.



"Alright you squirts time to get out the bath." Jiraiya Lifted both the boys out the tube and wrapped both in warm towels. He laid both on the bed and started to dry and dress the boys.

"Ok Saeyoung time for bed and saeran its time to get you ready." Jiraiya lifted Saeran into his arms.

"You know you are a pretty quite baby compared to your brother." He laid Saeran next to his brother, who was fast asleep. 

"goodnight boys, get some sleep cause tomorrow is a big day."


Hope you enjoyed!

As always ill see you all next time!


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