Chapter 34:

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"Mom why didn't you tel her! Look at whats going on now. Naru is God knows where, My baby could be dead or who knows where. She is strong enough to handle anything now!" Kiba stated.

"How do you know that!? what if she lost the baby, my only grandbaby, the heir after you."

"Babies.." Inu interrupted both Kiba and his mother, Tsume. Both looked at Inu with wide eyes.

"What?" Kiba whispered. 

"Twins boys, and very healthy. Its a blessing they look like mama. they are really handsome." 

"Two heirs...." Tsume whispered as she looked at Kiba.

"MOM really, ugh forget it what do we do now we have to find them."

"Inu, what did they smell like ?" Hana asked.

"Well Saeran smelled like, hmmmm the best way to describe is like you can not "smell" it.but its there like a sharp, watery smell like... if you inhale too much it makes you cry. like a fresh laid snow that turned into hard ice. If that makes sense. But Saeyoung smells like an earthy forest smell, also like damp wood. But they both have a hint of Ki-"

"Kiba.." Hana finished, as she remembered the faint familiar smell at the hospital.

"Saeran.... saeyoung...they are beautiful names." Kiba spaced out in awe. wishing he was there when they where born.

"Kiba i think i know where they're at." Hana recalled lady hokage saying Jaraiya had taken the twins.

"Come on we have to find Jaraiya." Hana said, as she took the lead out the cave .

------------------------------------- Warning Torture up ahead 

"Please let me go! please im sorry. Have mercy on me Vixen." The fat man named master said. Naru and master where in the cold dark basement. The only light they had was an overhead lamp that was directly over the chained up master. Naru sat across from him, holding a dull blade.

"Shut up..." Naru said with so much venom and hate, but it came out to a whisper. The master gulped and tried again.

"What do you plan to do with me?" He questioned.

"im thinking of maybe starting with blinding you, but now i think i want you to see everything im going to do to you ....starting with this." Naru pulled out a little table, on top was a bowl of lemon juice and a whip. The masters eyes looked fearful into Naru's devilish grin and sadistic eyes.

"So you remember. good because you know what comes next." Naru ripped off his clothes from his fat sweaty body, leaving him exposed. Master felt so vulnerable, he didn't know what to do, But Naru did. Naru grabbed the whip in submerged it into the bowl of lemon juice.

"This is going to hurt..a lot." she grinned and started the beginning of the long torture to come.

time jump-------------------------------------------------

Master was covered in open cuts and many bruises. he was still chained but now was on his knees as his wrist carried his weight. Naru was sitting mumbling to herself, as she played with her red hair that was covered in blood.

"What do i do after i kill him?" A dark thought came to her.

"Why don't you kill every man you see?" The dark though said.

"What why?" Naru grabbed more of her hair to do a small braid.

"Why not? they could harm us, of course. every man has done you wrong..."The dark thought answered back.

"All the men.... but Kiba didn't hurt us..." Naru said as she put her hair down to think about the man she loved.

"Thats a lie! He left us pregnant, he deserted us!" The dark thought yelled at her. Naru stop to think, not rationally. The dark thought was right all men should die, what have they ever done for her. Her father put the nine tails in her, knowing how rough her life would be. Then Kakashi always about Sasuke, what about her she needed help with Chunin Exams. Sasuke that asshole stuck a chidori through her chest, even though he says It was Orochimaru i think he wanted to kill her. 

"Don't forget that mutt Kiba. he knocked you up and left you all alone. He didn't have to go on that mission but he did. He chose that mission over you and yours babies." 

"My babies .... my sons, my sons are boys." Naru thought. " My sons, i cant hurt them. they're my babies.

"And no one said you had to. they are just innocent little babies, anybody could hurt them. unless ..." 

"Unless what!" Naru sat up from her chair so fast she startled master.

"Unless we kill them all. kill everyone that gets in your way of you and your babies." Naru felt the darkness hug her.

"My babies need me," Naru stood up with a kunai in her hand. " Saeyoung, Saeran Mommy is coming." With a slash with her kunai, Masters head fell to the floor, blood splattering every where. Naru dropped her weapon and smeared more blood off her face not bothering to clean it off.


Well my pretties another chapter finished, the picture on top is Inu's Human form and wolf form.

and don't forget to vote on this book in the Narutowattyawards. any questions on how to vote for this book let me know.

And as always ill see you next time


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