Chapter 20: Attack on Garra

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No P.O.V

Its been 5 days since Kiba had left Naru and Akamaru alone at the house one more day until he came back. Naru was excited to finally see Kiba, and nothing was going to get in her way.

"Naru I'm glad i caught up with you." Sakura said gasping for breath, from running around the whole village to find Naru. 

"Sakura whats up?" Naru said getting use to her old speaking habits.

"Lady Hokage has asked for us, its urgent." Sakura said grabbing a hold of Naru's arm and teleported to the Hokage tower. Naru, still getting used to Ninja activate, had to close her eyes from the spinning room.

"I see you found her, great lets get started. The Kazekage was Kidnapped from Suna and has asked for our help. Team 7 will head out right after this meeting. I will be sending another squad after you for back up. Naru?" Lady Hokage turned to the Redhead and Naru gave Hokage her full attention.

"Are you ready? This will be your first mission since you came back. " Naru thought about it, and turned to her team mates.

"Yes i will have my friends with me, im ready baa-chan." Naru said with her signature grin and thumbs up.

"Brat, alright Team 7 Get ready and head out. Dismissed!" Tsunade yelled. Team 7 left to get ready, Naru ran back to the Inuzuka's home to get ready. 

"Akamaru, im leaving for a mission, i need you to watch over the house and Inu." Akamaru whined not liking that Naru was leaving without him. "Don't worry ill be fine, iv'e been training since Kiba left and im a lot stronger. I'll be back before you know it!" she said as she kissed him on the nose and left up stairs to get ready. (photo on top is her outfit)


I know its really reallly short but i wanted to go ahead and give you a little something to read.

see you next chapter.


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