Chapter 28: Time for a change

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No P.O.V

Naru is 5 months

"Akamaru is still down?" Tsume asked. Akamaru still has been sick and that could be one of many reasons but one is the most possible, the death of a partner. 

"What do we do? Akamaru knows that kiba is dead, he can feel it. poor boy." Hana said rubbing his head.

"we will leave him to rest, come on the hokage wants us." Hana and Tsume left leaving a sleeping Akamaru and a red head hidden outside the window. Naru was relaxing on the roof above the window of Kiba and her room, she didnt want to leave Akamaru alone, thinking of baby names. She didn't mean to over hear but didnt think she would hear terrible news either. She sat there and cried. They had betrayed her making her believe Kiba was on a mission but turns out he was dead.

"Kiba how dare you leave me alone, why did you go." she felt a nudge under her arm to see a sad little Inu.

"Im so sorry mama im so-" Naru cut him off.

"No, no its not your fault Inu."

"But i told not to say anything cause i dint want the baby to be hurt." Naru took a deep breath, realizing what inu did, but she wasnt mad at him. no, he was a puppy a young boy she didnt blame him but the rest of them were older they knew better. she was done being lied to she needed to leave their was nothing left for her. she was stronger now she could do this on her own. Naru came into the bedroom with a whimpering Inu and sat down next to akamaru.

"Akamaru im so sorry, For kiba he was a great man, a great partner. come  with me." Naru lifted Akamaru's head to her stomach.

"Help me protect what Kiba left in this world, please." he stood up with a new determination. "I'll take that as a yes Inu grab your things, i don't want to be around these liers anymore, we leave tonight."


Im sorry ive been gone for so long i had some problem with my wisdom teeth, and had to get them out but it was special type of operation because my wisdom teeth where on my nerves. but im better and cant wait continue on with my writing.

As always ill see you next time bye~bye

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