Chapter 11: Answers

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No One P.O.V

"Lady Hokage! what is the meaning of this.!" Iruka burst through the doors not caring she was talking to Konoha 11. 

"Iruka im a little busy at the moment." She looked pass Shino and Sai.

"I don't care. Who is that women who claims my little brothers name." Kiba understanding that it was Naruto he was speaking about, turned towards Lady Tsunade worried that it was to soon. Tsunade sighed heavily and looked out towards the window.

"I guess its time, Anbu bring me naruto Uzumaki, Now." a figure outside the window came down and bowed before he left to retrieve the redhead.

"What is going on. I though that girl left!" Sakura screeched at her.

"No I kept her in a private room in to heal her eyes and regain her memories."

"You kept her after she lied to us, lied about being Naruto how could you?"  Sasuke yelled at the hokage.

"You won't believe me when i say this but that is Naruto. I ran some test, blood test, and it confirmed it was her, or him. either way Naruto is back and he is a she now." everyone was quite, thinking about this new found info. some where crying others happy and joyful. Until another burst at the door caused all heads to turn to the red head. 

"Granny It was awesome i saw a beautiful tree and a swing and i remember Ino and Shikamaru and Choji. I also remembered that i loved Ramen, also i meet a nice sensei Iruka but i made him said and..and..and" she stopped realizing she was now the center of everyone's attention.

"Naruto why don't you sit down i think its time we discussed what happened, Inoichi any progress?" Inoichi shoke his head no.

"Thats not good, i don't think its the right time then." as everyone was now looking back at Tsunade no one noticed a black haired crying Uchiha taking slow steps towards the oblivious redhead. Akamaru noticed him stepping closer to her and got up in front of her and started to growl lowly, warning him to stay back. Kiba feeling his partners distress turn towards him.

"Uchiha.." Kiba warned still not getting anyone's attention. Sasuke ignored his warning looking at the blue eyed red haired girl. Sasuke felt something in his stomach, he felt hope. Her eyes were the color of a newly bloomed bluebell from the valley, enchanting, delicate. Like the flower her gaze was never direct, preferring a shy earthbound focus. Her hair reminded him of the burnt orange sunset, it was warm and it tumbled over her shoulders like flows of a red blood sea, but just by looking at the scars that came down her eyes he knew it was Naruto. He would forever know those scars that haunt his dreams, the screams before he tossed Naruto over the waterfalls. 

"Naruto..." Sasuke whispered.

"Uchiha... im warning you!" with Kiba's warning, everyone turned around to see the uchiha stepping closer. Naruto finally noticing the tall black haired boy come closer to her. Akamaru, noticing Naruto's discomfort towards the male, started to bark louder. Naruto looked into the Uchiha's coal-black eyes, a sharp pain come to Naruto's head and all her memories came to. To the time with her friends to when sasuke slashed her eyes then to the time she spent in the horrible place. 

"It's you.." Naruto said looking into her hands

"Naruto you remember me... im im.." Sasuke couldnt finish his sentence as he tried to step closer but Kiba was holding him back. He didn't want him anywhere knew her. All of a sudden a huge KI came into the room.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Naruto got up and passed Akamaru and came face to face with the man that betrayed her. 

"How dare you show your self to me i will kill you!" A voice not belonging to Naruto said. Next thing they know sasuke is being held in the air by naruto who is surrounded by nine tails and bright red fox ears at the top her head, she looked so different so not Naruto. 

"Naruto let him go, its a misunderstanding." Kakashi tried to explain.

"misunderstanding...MISUNDERSTANDING, because of this fucker Naruto was trapped for 3 years do you have any idea how scared she was, Do YOU!?" everyone looked a each other "everyday blind, alone and turned into the opposite sex, was hard but she hoped for you guys to come save her until the 4th month came and they broke her to forget you guys to forget she was a person."

"Please we didnt know he, she was alive." Asuma commented. 

"enough Mind transfer full effect jutsu." Inoichi yelled, and next thing they know they where all surrounded by a abounded looking building. Team 7 and Team 8 recognized the building as the salve house that they saved naruto and the other girls from. 

"What is this place?" Shikamaru asked. 

"You arn't alod here. Get OUT!" they turned to see a young 13 year old blond hair boy, Naruto, and a Red head 13 year old girl, Vixen, they where both holding each others hand not letting go.

"Naruto?" Iruka asked.

"we wont repeat ourselves, get out now or you will regret it." they spoke at the same time.

"what is going on?" Tsuande asked.

"I used a very old Jutsu, we used for therapy. we later decided to stop because it was in invasion of privacy."

"AHHHHHHH NOOOOO" a screamed can be heard from inside the house.

"Naruto!!" Kiba screamed and tried to run into the house. But Naruto and vixen stopped him before he could reach the door.

"We said to leave."boy Naruto screamed.

"We don't want your help anymore" Vixen finished. 

"You don't care, if you did you would have came for us, but you didn't!" they both yelled still holding hands.

"Please let me in  i want to save her." Kiba begged. the two 13 year olds turned to each other and looked so tired so broken so scarred but agreed. 

"We will take you in but prepared you will walk into all the painful memories that happened to us." the group was heisted besides Kiba he walked in ready to save Naruto, the group finally followed in as well.  

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