Chapter 27: Secret

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"I see.."Tsume said looking at the hokage. Hana held her mothers hand tightly in deep thought.

"we will be taking our leave now hokage, we have a lot to prepare." Both inuzuka women bowed and turned to leave.

"Thats it! your not going to cry over your son, your only son?" Sai tried to figure out why no one cared about.

"Sai my clan handles their feeling in private... we... we dont show our emotions in public." Tsume turned around tears falling from her face. "and of course i would cry for my son my one and only son." Kakashi, Sai, and lady hokage all looked away upset. 

"What are we going to tell Naru she loves my brother. she will be heart broken." Hana said kneeling down to comfort her mother, who was on the floor weeping quietly. 

"NOOO YOU CAN'T!" Inu came bursting through the door, tears running down his face. 

"Inuyasha what are you doing here?!"

"You can't tell Mama or she will stress." Hana went to kneel infront of Inu.

"Inu so you are a great descendant of Inuyasha the dog demon. who would of knew. but it will be ok we will be there for each other, ok" Hana went to hug the the dog child, but Inu pushed her away.

"you don't understand!"

"Im leaving i don't need to be here any longer." Sasuke said leaving the scene and out he door.

"If you tell Mama she will stress and lose the baby, and i don't want Mama to be sad please don't tell her." Tsume gasped and went up to inu.

"What did you say?" Tsume asked.

"Mama has a baby." Tsunade looked at every person and took action.

"This is an order, no one in this room can not speak a word about Kiba's Death, until Naru gives birth. is that understood." everyone agreed.

"WHat do we say about kiba?" Kakashi asked, meanwhile wondering why Sasuke was acting a little weird.

"Hes on a 1 year mission to go under cover with Jirhaya. ill inform him what has happened just incase. Tsume, Hana, im sorry to put you through this but please for Naru's and the baby's life please hold on."

"Lady hokage Naru is family to us and we protect our own do not worry for Kiba's last wish i will protect his pup, my grandchild. our lips are sealed." everyone left.

"Bring me Sasuke Uchiha i need him on a new mission." The anbu bowed and flickered to find the last Uchiha.


No P.O.V

"A year long mission, really without Akamaru how strange." Naru said eating with Tsume, Hana, and the dogs.

"Yes he said he will see you when he gets back and that he loves you so so much." Hana said picking at her food.

"That Cheeky guy, i love him to, well i do have something to say well two things one Hana i think Akamaru is sick he hasnt gotten up from the bed and doesnt want to eat so if you can cheek on him that will be great."

"Of course Naru, if you need anything else please let me know?" Hana said placing her her hand gently on Naru's.

"well im glad you offered causing thats number two, Kiba and i where going to wait till he got back from this mission but i know he wont mind since it will be a year till i see him. Well im with child and i could use all hands on deck." Naru said smiling, Tsume started to cry.

"Im sorry Tsume i know we should have waited but we just loved each other and i was in heat-" Tsume hugged her and patted  Naru's hair.

"im so happy soon little feet will be running around. Im so happy for you two." 

"How far along are you?"


i hope you enjoyed this chapter,

ill see you next time


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