Chapter 14: No More

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"we can't do this anymore!" Sakura screamed.

"You can't do this anymore? I can't do this anymore!" Vixen screamed back, she was so tired, she wanted it to be over already.

"I haven't even got to some of the good parts, like the gang rapes, or dislocated hip bone from all the thrusting they did so forcefully, or even better yet the humiliating party where the Master had me naked on a leash and showing me off to his friends, that was one of my favorite!" Vixen screamed at her, Vixen started to turn intangible.

"VIXEN SNAP OUT OF IT!" Naruto yelled. Noticing how she was slowly losing it.


"NO BECAUSE YOU ARE DISAPPEARING!" he yelled, finally snapping her out of it. She sighed and took a deep breath. 

"we ran out of time we have to take them to her now." Naruto said giving Vixens hand a squeeze. she nodded and started to walk with him. it was quite the walk there until Sasuke spoke.


"Yes Sasuke?" Naruto said turning his head to the right seeing the tall uchiha.

"I need no i want to say im sorry. i was being controlled by that snake, and before i realized what i had done i was to late. and i never got to say sorry." Sasuke said about to start the silent cries."Do you Think you could ever forgive me?" he asked the young blond 13 year old Naruto.

"Sasuke of course i forgive you. you where the boy i wanted to befriend i even fell in love with you, but do remember that im in my 13 year old mind my older female self isn't the same me. she feels betrayed, hurt, scarred she even said she wants to kill you. but once she consumes us both she will remember everything that happened here, meaning she will remember your apology, but just give her some time." Naruto smiled to the Uchiha with a slight blush on his cheeks. the Uchiha gave him a smile not a fake one or a smirk but a true genuine smile.

"What are these images on the wall and what do you mean when she consumes you?"Kiba asked.

"well we don't have enough time to show you all thats happened in the last 3 years so we are showing you them on our way to Naru." Vixen said

"Naru had a baby?"  Lee saw in image of a 15 year old Naru with a small round tummy.

"No, she was 4 months when the master was to rough with her, causing her lots of stress causing her to miscarry. she cried for a long time." Vixen answered. everyone was so sad so upset. " the master got her pregnant 3 more times after but she could never keep it full term, and finally she couldnt have anymore children the master hurt her to many times he destroyed her insides, but Kurama-oneechan said soon she will be done healing Naru all the way that she can once again have children." Naruto explained.

"and When i say consume, i mean once we get there Naru will finally be shown hope with all of you she finally realize hope and faith again."Naruto finished.

"I think i understand." they two Children stopped in front of another door this door was just a red door with a white knob. 

"we are here."they both announced, and opened the door to see Naru lying on a bed starring up into the ceiling not once acknowledging her friends coming into the room that had no windows no color, nothing just the red bed. Kiba looked to the two kids.

"what now?" Kiba asked.

"It time we become consumed, once that happens you have to convince her to wake up and when you do you have to leave immediately because this whole house will be destroyed. do you all understand?" 

"yes." they all answered all determined to save and help heal their friend.

"ok." they two finally let each others hand go, and they turned into a bright light before they came back. But they where different Naruto Was now a 16 year old boy beside that he was taller to, and Vixen turned into an exact replica of Naru ,16 years old, but had the black bandages around her eyes still. they both grabbed on hand or Naru's and grabbed onto each others, other hand. and they both looked at us with beautiful smiles and tears running down their faces.

"Thank you, please take care of us." they both said before they disappeared into Naru's body. Kiba ran to her and everyone followed in his tracks and gathered around her bed. Kiba pulled her body to his and gently shook her, trying to wake her. 

"Naru? Naru! hey its time to get up come on everyone is waiting for you. Tsunade, Jiraiya, Iruka-sensei." images was listing images popping into her head of the two.

"Asuma-sensei, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru." he kept going. " Inoichi, Kurenai-sensei, Hinata, Shino" more images started flood into her head, tears where coming down her face, her friends.

"Gai-sensei, lee, Tenten, Nenji, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura, Sai, Sasuke" a memory of the apology and explanation came to her mind, she  does forgive Sasuke but her love will probably wont be the same, and Sai who the heck is that, she thought. 

"And Akamaru and me.. come on Naru lets all go home." Naru stirred and opened her eyes.

"I'm so tired ....if i go will you let me sleep some more." everyone chuckled and agreed.

"Ok" she got up. "better hurry this place will go down soon see you on the other side" Naru said waving goodbye, as Inoichi pushed them all out.

They where all back safe and sound, but Naru was still out cold. Being a little concerned Iruka walked and started to shake her, but it didn't help.

"Tsunade whats going on i thought she was right behind us?"Iruka asked.

"i can explain."came a female voice from a figure to the left of Iruka. everyone turned their gazes and saw......


Cliff hanger. leave a Guess on who you think it is in the comments until next time.

TraitorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora