Chapter 30: Their names are...

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"It hurts to much...ughhh i can't do this anymore. we have to do this another way! Aghhhh!" Naru screamed through the pain. Two shadow clones and a teen Inu where there by her side.

"Naru you can do this i can see the head of the first one. Just keep pushing." Shadow clone 1 said. The clones hands where holding the truffle of blood red hair as Naru pushed the body out, and the crack of a baby's wail filled the silent, and lightly lighted cave. 

"Its a boy, a beautiful boy." Clone 1 handed the child off to clone 2 and continued to help delivery baby. 

"Ok you need to push now." Clone 1 said.

"No.. something is wrong... something is wrong... i can feel it." Clone placed her hand inside to feel for the baby and felt the hairy head then...

"The umbilical cord is around the baby's neck. Clone 2 im going to need your help. Here take the scissors, when i get the baby out get ready to quickly but carefully cut the cord." They both nodded to one another. 

"One. Two... Three.." as quickly as Naru pushed is as quickly as the clones handled the situation. Naru was concerned, the baby was quite. But Naru had other things to worry about. Her gut feeling was right and she needed to act fast.

"Inu come here quickly." Inu came running closer to her.

"What is it mama?"

"Inu i love you so much and i love you just like my own, thats why im sorry for this." Naru thumped him in the back of his head, hard enough to make him pass out. "Reverse summon!" he was taken back to the village hidden in the leaf with the inuzuka Family.

"Bring me the babies now!" Clone 1 and 2 had finished helping Baby 2 to breath but he didn't cry like baby 1, Instead he was sleeping soundly.

"Two boys who would have thought, brothers. My babies im so sorry but this is for your safety. i know they will take great care of you, until i escape. my baby ______ and my baby _________." she held a glowing purple hand and placed a seal above their chest containing their names. 

"Reverse summon!" she said once more and dispersed her clones. " I know you are there, come out."

"You finally where able to carry to full term its such a shame they weren't my children, my little Vixen." Naru inhaled sharply and this time she was prepared.


"oh Papa dinner was great." Mama said as they hoped down the mountain.

"Yes mama it was, it was also nice to see Jiraiya boy, he supposed to come back tomorrow." 

"Well ill make sure to-"

"Wahhhhh...wahhhhhh...ahhh" A babies cry interrupted them. both of them quickly hopped to the cries to see two bundles with blood red hair coming out.

"Papa look.. babies but whos?" 

"im not sure but lets take them home its much to cold for them out here in the cold." 


a little short but ive been trying to get this published .

And as always ill see you next time.


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