Chapter 15: Explanation

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Dedication-@thebeauty1993, @ForeverObessed. 

Thank you so much for your comments i hope to hear from you all!

No One's P.O.V

"Kurama, whats going?" Kiba asked stepping close to Kurama.

"The gaki, she released me." Kurama said 

"But won't she die, and weren't you still healing her wounds." Tsunade said as she took a seat at her desk.

"No and yes. The healing was finished, she can now have children again. When she is ready this time. and No she won't die Kushina made a seal for both me and Naru to still be connected, by chakra, but we can now have our own lives, our own bodies." she explained the whole time starring at the red haired girl that reminded her of Kushina.

"Then why won't she wake up, she was right behind us." Sasuke now said worried for his brother, sister.

"Well, she is coming to realize her memories, shes trying to come to terms with it just give her some time, she will awaken when she is ready." Kurama said as she puffed into a small fox, she walked over and jumped up onto Naru's stomach and layed with her. Kurama was so used to being so close to her she wanted that again.

"Alright everyone you are all dismissed, go home and get some rest." Tsunade said as she grabbed her blanket and covered the sleeping redhead she looked so peaceful compared to the images she seen in her memories.

"i will stay i want to be here when she wakes." Kiba said and sat on the floor next to Naru, Akamaru also sat next to her and rested his head on Kiba's lap.

"Me to my parents are on a mission and i really don't want to be alone." Sakura said sitting against the wall closes to naru. Sasuke not saying anything sat next to Sakura, Sakura turned her head in shock but didn't say anything.

"Well i really want to meet this strong women, she is also beautiful. I wan't to how do you say, become more then friends." Sai said with a smile on his face and sat next to Sakura's other side. a low growl came from a young Inuzuka, who was keeping an eye on the pale blacked haired non-Uchiha.

"well i need to watch over my team so i guess ill stay to."Came a voice belonging to a lazy Kakashi, as he leaned on a wall and pulled out a book to read. 

"Wow you are reading that book, it was my first one every. Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi." Jiraiya laughed glad his first book was still being read. The rest of the teams left to get some rest promising to come tomorrow to see how she was doing. 


two days had passed and Kiba had just come back from a well needed shower, but he did not come alone. His mother, Tsume Inuzuka, and Older sister, Hana Inuzuka, came as well. They wanted to meet the girl Kiba kept going on and on about. Tsunade was sitting in a chair doing some paper work, still keeping an eye out to the sleeping redhead. a knock could be heard at the door of the Hokages office.

"Come in." Tsunade said not taking her eyes off the paper work.

"Hey, did she wake up yet?" Kiba asked getting unpatient. 

"Geeze Kiddo could you be anymore obvious." Tsume pointed out. it was strange to see him this concern but she liked it.

"wow" Hana was standing over the sleeping girl, and admired her beauty.

"Well, well, well, you got yourself a good one.Good on the looks, good hips for healthy and stong babies, and scars? she is a strong one." Tsume said smirking and teasing her son, who was blushing like a mad man. 

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