Chapter 21: reunited

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No one p.o.v

Kiba Had finally arrived back to the house and was excited to see his mate, his Love.

"Naru!... Akamaru! im home." He took off his shoes and ran in as was greeted with silence. "Naru!" He yelled again and was meet with silence. he walked into the bedroom as was meet with a sleeping redhead on the bed. He smiled and crawled onto the bed as he was now over the sleeping beauty, and lean down to kiss her soft rosy lips that had a natural gloss to them. The redhead opened her eyes to meet a smiling Kiba and opened her mouth and said.

"Bark!" Kiba jumped back in surprise and saw the once beautiful Naru turn into His partner and crime Akamaru.

"What the hell are you doing!? I almost kissed you, you asshole." Akamaru Barked happily at him

"What do you mean you tricked me, and where is Naru?" Once again Akamaru barked at him and whined. 

"WHat do you mean a mission, what the hell is lady hokage thinking! Come on boy we are heading out." Kiba ran out his room passing his sister and mother, who had just got home as well.

"Kiba where are you going!?" Tsume asked as Hana left to check on Inuyasha.

"To find Naru! You old Hag!" Kiba said, with Akamaru right behind him.


Kiba had finally arrived to see Naru and an older woman transferring chakara into Garra.

"NARU!" Kiba yelled as he raced through the crowd of people, keeping his eyes only on her. Naru lifted her tired gaze into Kiba's concerned one. still pumping chakara, she smiled lazily at him, ignoring everyone's gaze.

"Kiba ... how did you find me?" she said looking up to him. Kiba knelled next to her and embraced her in to his longing arms. Naru welcomed the warmth and lend into it still pumping chakara. 

"Such young lovee...." Chiyo said as she gave her last piece of life and passed away happily knowing of a better world to come. Naru was exhausted and was ready to pass out in the comfort of Kiba, but a red haired sand ninja finally opened his eyes.

"Garra.... you're ok... I've missed you so much.."Naru said tired. 

"Im sorry. ... who are you?" Garra said looking at the red haired girl who was leaning on Kiba.

"Its me Naruto well Naru.... a lot has happened .... but we can talk about it later im just glad your ok. Man, i need to get back into shape, im tired from just this one mission." Sasuke ran up to her and picked her up bridal style not liking how close Kiba was to her.

"Uchiha, what do you think you are doing?" Kiba said with an angry mark on his head. Who did the Uchiha think he is?! That was his mate, and no one was aloud to touch her.

"What do you think im doing you mangy mutt. im Caring Naru to the hospital. stupid Mutt." Kakashi came out from the crowd and grabbed, the now unconscious, Naru from sasuke and started to walk back to Suna. 

"What do you think you are doing Kaka-Baka!?" Sasuke now said stopping in front of Kakashi.

"As my preciouse student i will take her back." Kiba was now beyond annoyed. he walked up to Kakashi and roughly but careful not to harm Naru took her from his arms. he started to walk but stopped and looked back.

"No one touches my mate, but me." He turned with a smirk and left everyone wide eyed and baffled.


After everyone was explained on how Naru was alive and a girl, and everyone was healthy to move out, the leaf ninjas were already to head home.

" i missed you Naru. you had me worried when Akamaru told me you left for a mission. What where you thinking?" Kiba asked walking next to Naru.

"I needed to save my friend and i would do it again Kiba. you need to not worry so much, ill be fine. I am getting stronger." 

"Hey are you guys dating or something?" Sakura asked a little concerned for her wallet, since the bet was now at $150. 

"Or something, Naru is more then just a girlfriend she is my mate." Sakura looked shocked and upset cause she just lost $150. Kakashi was sulking in the back with the comfort of Sai who just kept smiling. No one noticed the hateful glare Sasuke was sending Kiba. Kiba just stole his Naru away and he was going to get her back no matter the cost.



         Im sorry i haven't updated ive been very busy, and ive been having some problems with my Boyfriend. But im glad i was able to get you guys another chapter i hoped you enjoyed and one last thing (One more thing Jackie) Im doing another poll on who should be with our sweet little Naru-






leave a vote and thanks for coming, ill see you next time


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