Chapter 22: evil plans

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No P.O.V

It was late at night, shinobi and civilians were all asleep, all you could hear was the sound of the near by forest. One shadow was moving into the dead of night, with evil intentions. finally resting the dark figure was joined by a tall man.

"your finally made it, Assassin." the dark figure said.

"I've been waiting for you. Are you sure about my mission?" Assassin asked looking at the file the dark figured handed him. "Do you really want me to take him out? What did he do?" 

"He took something that is mine and i want him out of the picture. then she will be all mine." the dark figure started to laugh, causing Assassin to look at him like he was crazy. 

"Very well give me a week and it will be done." Assassin took one more look and left confirming he had all he needed.

"Soon Naru you will be all mine." the dark figure jumped off back into Konoha village. 


Naru had woken up to a feeling she knew to well. How could she have forgotten, of all times why now with kiba right next to her. She quickly and quietly got out of the bed they both shared and ran out the door. collecting her shoes and left two very confused female Inuzuka.

"What the- Naru where are you rushing off to?"  

"oh no i know that smell?!" Tsume said a little excited. 

"Whats that sweet smell?" Kiba said coming down the stairs, following the smell. He was intoxicated by the sweetness.

"Kiba what you are smelling is our young Naru going into heat." Tsume said smiling.

"Heat?"  Kiba questioned. He knew what heat was but he didn't know that Naru could get it because she was not an Inuzuka. 

" well isn't that a good thing I mean she is my mate" Kiba was getting excited thinking about his own pups running around.

" man I love that girl I would die for her but when ever she is ready we will do it" Kiba grew a light blush just thinking about the redhead. 

"I'll have to find her soon. See you later, Akamaru stay here and watch over Inu!" Kiba grabbed his black leather jacket and ran out the door to find his missing mate.


"Kurama why didnt you remind me  my heat was around the corner, you know how bad it was for me not to jump Kiba's bones." Kurama just yawned and stretched before she looked at Naru.

"Would it be so bad. You know to mate him and have lots running around."

"That's not it, I would love that but...   what if I cant carry to full term again. I dont want to have another miscarriage." Naru started to cry leaving the fox to panic.

Kiba came to a flower patch filled with lavender, cherry blossoms and tulips, to see his mate crying. Afraid that Naru hurt herself kiba ran right next to her.

"What's wrong did you hurt yourself!?" 

"Kiba you shouldn't be next to me right now" Naru said a little panicked. 

" I know about your heat and I'm controlling myself, naru your safety  comes first so can you please tell me what's wrong," kiba sat behind naru's back, and naru leaned into his chest enjoying the comfort he gave her. Kurama decided to give them so privacy and left. on 

"I'm just scared" Naru admitted kiba rested his chin between her neck and shoulder.

"Of what?" he questioned her softly inhaling her sweet scent. Naru shivered at his heated breath against her skin.

"Of losing another one, i want kids, i want a family but what if i cant carry full term. i would be devastated, i would hurt you too." Naru held kibas hand tight afraid he would leave her. 

"Naru... the difference between then and now is me, us. our love will carry our future to full term. i would do anything to make you happy. If its if we have kids now or until you are ready. i love you Naru." Kiba hugged her tightly feeling her heat start to take affect on him. Naru felt so happy she cried tears of joy and giggled. 

"You don't think we are to young to have kids?" Naru asked.

"Haha if we are old enough to put our lives for our village i think we are old enough to start a family." Kiba couldn't hold himself back, Naru's scent was so strong now making his Alpha hormones drive him crazy. His hand reached under her soft chin and roughly turned her lips to his and Naru relaxed into enjoying his lips on hers.




but im back and ready to deliver this yummy piece of candy to you guys. if you want a naughty scene for the next chapter or skip it, comment it and i will deliver. 

until next chapter my lovelys 


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