chapter 24: catch my breath

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"Its just a week mission nothing to bad." Kiba told his loving mother to be. It's been 4 months since that night, and naru was indeed pregnant.

"I dont know about this, something just seems off. Tell me again. Everything." Naru begged him, she rubbed her small bump of a belly. She was barely showing and wanted to keep it that way till Kiba got back .

"Sasuke, Sai, Kakashi, and myself are going to retrieve a scroll that was stolen. Its heavily guarded underground but we where tipped off by an unknown source, saying 4 days from now it will be lightly guarded. Giving us a chance to enter without being detected." Naru nodded hearing him explain for the 3rd time. Kiba turned away from his packed bag and smiled softly at his pregnant mate.

"Naru look at me." He lifted her chin up towards him. He smirked at her worried face. Naru rested her hands on kibas hand squeezed gently.

"Promise you will come back safe." She whispered lovingly.

"I promise, and when I get back we can through a party and tell everyone about your healthy pregnancy. And then we can find out the gender of the baby." Kiba reached for her belly and lightly rubbed it.

"Wow I'm going to be a dad."

"I'm going to be a mom" she snuggled her face into his.

"That's great and all but I'm going to be a dad." Naru lightly punched him, and kiba kissed her nose and turned to finish packing.

"So what do you think our little pup will be a boy or a girl?" Kiba asked.

"I don't know what our little kit will be but I'm hope its healthy."

"I hope it's a girl and she looks like you, beautiful inside and out."

"That means you will have to fight the boys down from our door step. " Kiba paused and looked modified.

"I change my mind I want a boy first that way when I have my princess he can help keep the rotten boys away. " naru laughed at his comment.
Naru couldn't wait, she was so happy and nothing can ruin it.


Somewhere outside of the village.
"I want it down by this week on his mission" a dark figure ordered

"Are you sure this time?" The assassin asked .

"Dont question me just do it" the assassin bowed and jumped off. The dark figure left as well to prepare for his plan.


I know  very very short but I will make up for it I swear.
And like always I'll see next time

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