Chapter 13: Hell memories, 2

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Warning Abuse,Rape,Torture, and Humiliation. 

The basement was dark and disturbing with the rickety wooden stairs gave way to cement and brick, winding their way down to the basement, the walls showed black decay by neglect. Splotches of original paint hinted at the basements former prosperity. There was dried blood against a wall with chains hanging on them. It was time for the next one and everyone was already dreading it. 


An image came out and Showed Lucy naked and chained to the wall and Naru was there standing on the right side of the fat man scared. He had a whip and was whipping Lucy over and over and each time she would scream in pain.

"what's going on why is Lucy getting hurt?"Asuma asked looking at he two of young kids.

"Lucy became attach to us, she wanted to protect us. She was suppose to have us ready in three days so the master could have his way with us, but she kept pushing the date back saying we weren't ready." Naruto explained.

"Months passed and Master found out and decide to punish her in front of us. to show us what would happen if we disobeyed. Apparently we didn't get the message until it was to late." Vixen finished looking sad at the women who protected her those months.

Naru was crying she wanted the Master to stop to punish her instead. Another whip could be heard and Lucy's cry made Naru jump in front of the next hit.

"What do you think you are doing Vixen?" Master asked getting angrier.

"Master please punish me, leave her alone."Naru begged.

"and who are you to to demand me, to stop?" Naru looked up hearing how angry he was. She wanted to take it back but it was to late. He unchained Lucy and threw her to the side and Chained the small redhead to the wall. he wanted to beat her till she begged for forgiveness, til she was a beautiful color black and blue. "Very well you got what you wished for. and as for you Lucy if you so much as move from that spot or try to interfere i will kill her on the spot" Naru gasped, and lucy looked so frighten for the tiny girl. Naru looked so fragile so weak her hands where now hanging above her and her she could barely reach the floor with her feet, she had to use her tippy toes, to keep from hanging from her wrists. The Master ripped the rest of the clothing off the shaking girl exposing her small breast and pink nipples that where hard from her skin becoming exposed to the cold air. She shrieked struggling from the chains, she wanted to cover up but she couldn't. she cried the only piece of clothing she had was now the tear soaked, black bandages cover her scarred eyes.

"What a beautiful view so gorgeous. i want to keep you like this forever but this is a punishment." he said not an ounce of sorriness in his voice. He dipped the whip in Lemon juice, and started to whip away. Naru screamed, the whip was so painful against her chest, her legs, her butt, even, her arms she wanted it to stop but it didn't. Naru screamed out calling her friends name. begging for them to save her. 

"Call out to your friends it will do no good no one will save you!" The master laughed like a maniac, Lucy no longer able to watch closed her eyes and cried for the young girl she wanted to keep safe. 

"Please Mas-Master..*hicup*...I-I -im sorry*cry*.." She couldnt keep up anymore she wanted sleep.

"you lasted 4 hours not bad. Tomorrow Night i will take you, if you are ready or not." he said as he dropped the whip he walked to the edge of the stairs.

"Lucy clean her up and tomorrow get her ready for me." he left, and Lucy got up from floor and speed walked to the young girl, her body was so red and raw she did'nt even want to touch her. but with the experience shes had she knew it was best to clean her right away to get the juice off her open wounds.

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