Chapter 10: Run in

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No P.O.V

It was the next day and It was time for Naruto's therapy session, after many failed attempts to get her to go Kiba finally convinced her to go. She walked into a room with lots of pillows and a window on one side ad a huge mirror on the opposite side. What made her happy was Akamaru laying next to a comfy couch.

"What are you doing here good boy?" Naruto scratched behind his ear.

"Today he will be a therapy dog for you," A voice surprised her from behind, she turned quickly to see a man with long light blonde hair and light blue eyes, he looked firm but kind at the same time. "My name is Inoichi Yamanaka, i know your problem with men and i didn't want you to feel uncomfortable so i had him tag along." Inoichi grabbed a seat further from the girl so he wouldn't frighten her. "It's also good to see you again Naruto even with unfortunate  circumstance." 

"You know me, sir?" Naruto said laying on Akamaru's comfy fur.

"Of course i remember you Naruto, even if you are female now you still have your one of a kind blue eyes and your whisker marking on both sides of your cheeks. you used to play with my daughter when you where both young, here her name is Ino, she is a lot older now." he slid a picture a group of new guinea, it had teams 7, Team 8, Team 10, and Team Guy. 

"she looks like you, this is us?" Inoichi hummed in response, and continued on.

"Naruto once we discus your time in that place we can move on to recovering your memory's. Ok i know this will be hard but if we don't talk about it, it will grow in the back of your mind and sooner or later you will pop, but its up to you. i will not push you but i highly recommend it." he said hoping she would take his advice. 

"no im not ready, i just want to remember my friends my past life before that hell hole. i want to have the support of my friends before i can even think of my time there." Naruto half lied, she did want to remember her friends but she also wanted to remember the man that betrayed her, the man that caused her to land in the hands of those horrible men. she wanted to kill him, she wanted to look him in the eyes and ask him why, she hated him with all her being.

"Naru....Naruto.. are you ok?"Inoichi tried to get a hold her attention again. she looked up to meet the mans gaze.

"yes, sorry just lost in thought, but whats next.." she turned her attention back to her fluffy white companion. 

"well since you don't wan't to talk we will take a walk into the village. hopefully seeing the places you used to hang around will jog your memory."

"Are you sure cause Tsunade said i couldn't go out?"

"Well now that you can see, and are more healthier she said it was ok, besides you have me and Akamaru to walk with." he give her a reassuring smile and got up to escort her through out the village.


Naruto's P.O.V

Once i stepped outside of the hospital doors i was meet with a very wonderful sight. A big tree, the tree lifted his branches to the sky as if his very presence was enough to beat back the darkness and command the daylight to fall on his papery leaves. His bark shone like the right kind of gold, the sort that inspires the mind to heady heights of imagination, it was beautiful and right there on one of the lower branches was a plank hanging by two pieces of rope making it look like a swing. right next to it was a school, children running around playing or some sort of training. 

"That Swing...can i ride it?" I asked interested in it.

"Go ahead." Inoichi pointed towards the run down swing. I walked towards it debating if i should sit on it, afraid it will break from it being so old looking.

"You know you can swing it if you want, trust me it won't break." a male voice came from behind me. I turned to see a man with brown hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, and a scar across his nose.

"oh im sorry i was just .. looking." I said not sure if i was going to get into trouble.

"No you are fine, my name is Iruka Umino. im a teacher here, you know never ever swings on here, except for one boy i used to know. He would come here to swing when ever he was sad, when he was angry, or just needed time to think. I used to consider him like a little brother or even a son, " he seemed so kind, his eyes filled with love and hope, he was perfect for a teacher.

"What happened? to him?" i asked.

"He died 3 years ago on a retrieval mission."

"I'm sorry to hear that." it's sad, someone he loved died.

"it's ok, I still feel like he is here and i will never let that go, but what about you, who are you? i've never seen you around?"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, im thinking about changing it to Naru though, Naruto is to manly for me now. hmmm Iruka... Iruka-sensei it sounds so familiar." I didn't realize that Iruka came closer to me and grabbed me by my shoulder hard and started to shake me.

"Who do you think you are, using his name!" He was starting to hurt me.

"Ino-Inoichi hes's hurting me, p-lease let me go." I saw Inoichi come running towards and pulled Iruka away.

"Iruka what are you thinking!?"

"Shes using his name, thats Naruto's name." he seemed so mad so heartbroken.

"Iruka it is Naruto, believe me just go talk to hokage she will fill you in. in the mean time Naruto lets get you back to the hospital i think you had to much excitement for one day." i ran to Akamaru and held onto him, missing Kiba.

"ok im ready, but do you think we can get some some ramen before we go back. im pretty hungry." i asked still not sure how i should approach this man.

"of course, iruka head out to the Hokage's office." Iruka just looked at me once more before he left to get some answers.

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