Chapter 9: Naruto

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No p.o.v

"Don't you ever use that name you bitch." Sasuke screamed at the young red head that claimed to be Naruto, his ray of sunshine. Vixen, now proclaimed once again Naruto, held her trembling hand to her now swollen cheek. Fresh new sets of tears streaming down Naruto's face.

"I'll Fucking kill you!" Sasuke was being held back by Sakura, Kakashi saw her struggling and help her pull Sasuke outside to cool down, even the both of them where upset to hear Naruto spill the 'lies'.

"Why..." a whisper could be over heard above the yells outside from sasuke.

"why are you using our dear friends name for your lies.." Hinata whispered again no longer holding in her discomfort. Shino grabbed her and left the room leaving Kiba, Lady Hokage, and a weeping Naruto on the floor.

"Granny please... its me...Naruto please you have to remember me." Naruto tried to reach out but could see or feel anything coming into contact with her hand. " If you don't recognize me ... i don't know what i would do with myself. I can't remember much and i can't see, my body has been ruined from all the rape and torture, i can't.... ugh." Naruto pulled her hand back to her body not wanting to shatter her mind anymore then need be. Tsunade felt a connection to the red head, maybe she was telling the truth, Naruto. Tsunade got up from her chair walked towards the red head and knelled in front of her and touched her face.

"Tell me... if you are Naruto what was i afraid of before Naruto helped me conquer my fears?" Naruto raised her hand and placed it on Tsunade's hand.

"Blood you where terrified so much that you froze up and was almost killed by Kabuto, i jumped in front and saved you. " Tsunade looked up into Narutos face and cried, she hugged her and cried so more holding on tight and not letting go. Kiba being quiet and confused finally spoke.

"So... is it really naruto.." his voice betraying him as he was once again hopeful about the situation. Tsunade afraid to let go just nodded. Kiba Came to his knees and cradled the group and cried to, he finally came to realize he had strong emotions towards the formal blond, still not sure what that emotion was. A hour passed and Naruto had passed out on Tsunade's lap.

"What do we do know?" Kiba asked

"We are going to keep this between us until Naruto is in better shape. until she is ready she will be in a private room in the hospital where ill be healing her eye's. after we will work on her memory's." Tsunade lifted the tiny girl and laid her fully on the couch.

"So Naruto is a girl?" KIba wanted to confirm

"it seems so, Kiba what happened on the mission?" Kiba looked at the unconscious Naruto and started to explain the week long mission.

Naruto's p.o.v

Its been 2 months and Granny said i would be able to see fully today im so excited. once i can see i will be able to remember my forgotten memory's. So lost in thought i didn't realize granny came in  my room.

"Hello Naruto, how are you doing today?" she asked me with excitement.i smiled towards her direction.

"I'm ready i want to remember my friends." i felt a warm hand that i was so used to, it was Kiba. "Kiba its nice to see you again." he squeezed my hand and replied.

"You to Naruto, im here for you. Are you scared?" he asked me.

"No, just ready, you know." i smiled.

"ok naruto, im going to remove the bandages from your eyes. Do not rush to opening your eyes, take it slow ok. Kiba draw the blinds, we want to get her used to it slowly.

"Right." Tsunade started to unravel the bandages.

"ok go ahead and try." i reached up to my eye and could feel the scars that will forever be a reminder of that mans betrayal. Sighing i slowly blinked looking to my hands and i could see them. no darkness, just clear images. i looked up to see Granny, she looked the same blonde hair same diamond on her forehead, next i saw a brown haired boy with triangles on his cheeks and a white furred dog next to his side.

"Granny? Kiba?!... i can s-s-see again...uwagh." i started to cry pulling my balled up hands to my face, so happy to see again.

"Naruto! Does it hurt?" Granny asked.

"just my heart im so happy i can see you three, i can see my hands, and i remember some things like Kiba, Granny, Kakashi, and some of my friends."

"Bark, Bark, whine..." 

"And you to Akamaru." i scratched the top of his head.

"Ok so you remember somethings, now that you can see...its time we talked about what happened to you during your time in that place.." i looked down into my hands not wanting to remember that horrible place, the humiliation, the pain, the rape... i dont want to.

no on p.o.v.

"Naruto.?" Kiba got closer to the trembling red head. he tried to get close.

"NOOO NO NO NO NO DON'T TOUCH ME. LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T WANT TO." Naruto's hands came into contact to kiba's face and grazed his cheek with her nail. Tsunade ran to get something to relax her.

"Naruto... please calm down..Its Kiba." Kiba tried to hold her down, as Naruto screamed, and tried to attack kiba still believing she was back in the hell hole she was trapped in for so long.

"Naruto Stop! Look at me! You are safe i have you" Kiba was now sitting on top of her and holding her hands to the side of the bed so she couldn't hurt herself or anyone else. Kiba, When he met her gaze, he felt drawn into her eyes. The sapphire blueness generated a feeling like he was being pulled into a lake of frozen emotions. It was like all the myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension. He wanted so much to hold her and never let her get harmed again, and he did he let her hands go and wrapped his arms around her. Naruto's tears where now soaking his sweater she was scarred she just held onto him like it was the last thing she had to keep her sane, and to her he was. "Shhh Shhh.. it's ok. im here. Naruto im here for you.. and i will never let you go." Tsunade was on the other side of the door smiling to herself over the confession Kiba, not realizing he did, gave the now redhead. She left knowing Naruto was in good hands. Kiba shifted so naruto was now laying on his chest and after awhile she fell asleep to Kiba's hand rubbing her back and the other hand playing with her hair. Everytime Naruto would hiccup from all the crying, Kiba felt his heart break over again. At that moment he relized he loved Naruto, boy, girl, whatever Naruto was he loved that blue eyed beauty, and he will be with her every step of the way.


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Hope you enjoyed and see you next time.

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