Odell's Birthday Dinner

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That night

After I got off of work 3 hours ago I had gotten a text from Odell letting me know that I was invited to his birthday dinner so before I had even started getting dressed I had went out and bought him a birthday present. Once I got back to my house I had showered me it took me 45 minutes to settle on an outfit that wasn't too revealing and appropriate for tonight. After looking at my outfit once more and fluffing out my curls I grabbed my purse and phone and made my way down the stairs.

FromOdell: We're at The Grill.

ToOdell: Okay.

I walked out of my house locking my door I walked over to my Mercedes Benz I unlocked the door and got in I placed my purse on the passenger seat and started up my car turning on the heat. I put the gear in drive and drove down my driveway.

After driving for also an hour I finally pulled up to The Grill I parked my car I grabbed my phone and purse along with Odell gift I got out locking my car doors and made my way up to the restaurant.

"Hello are you dining alone?"

"No I'm joining the Beckhams."

"Right this way."

I followed behind the hostess she lead me over to the table where Odell and his family were Odell looked up at me and smiled then he stood up I walked over to the table and up to Odell.

"Glad you could make it Brielle."

"Yeah I really didn't have anything else to do."


"This is for you," I handed Odell the gift bag.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"But I did."

"Come sit next to me Brielle," Jasmine said.

I walked over to where she was sitting and sat down in the chair next to her sitting my purse in the empty chair.

"Brielle is all that you," Kordell asked.

"Kordell never ask a woman that," Odell spoke.

I looked up from the menu and at Kordell.

"Yes Kordell this is my hair but sometimes I do wear weave."

"Yeah Odell you need Brielle to be your girlfriend she'll give you different versions of women in one."

I laughed and shook my head looking back down at my menu. There will never be anything between me and Odell on a sexual level.

"Can everyone please stop trying to hook me and Brielle up we're building a friendship not a relationship," Odell asked as he looked around the table.

"We're just saying Dell Brielle would be a nice fit for you."

"Well I'm sure Brielle have a boyfriend."

The waiter walked up and took all of our orders he took the menu and walked away.

"Brielle I never got a chance to thank you."

"For what," I asked looking at Kordell.

"For stepping in when you did cause I probably wouldn't even be here right now."

"Just doing my job I couldn't let you have an unnecessary surgery when your problem only needed to be figured out by doing tests."

"Yeah O you need to get her before I do."

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