Daddy O

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Since I'm fully staffed at my accountant firm I really don't have to go in to the office unless I want to check in. I had called Shawn telling him to meet me at Target.

"What you called me here for O," Shawn asked as he walked up to my car.

"Ima need your help."

"With what?"

"Shopping for the baybeh."

"O you and Bri don't even know what you're having yet."

"I know but I can get some stuff."

"Like what?"

"Diapers, wipes, bottle rack, bottle warmer need me to go on."

"Nah you good."

"Alright then."

I locked my car doors then me and Shawn went into Target I grabbed a shopping cart.

"How was the appointment?"

"It was good we saw the baybeh."

"What did the baybeh look like?"

"The baybeh really don't look like a baybeh because Bri is still early in her pregnancy."

"Oh okay."

"Don't say anything to anybody Shawn because Bri is in her first trimester and the first trimester is really tricky."

"My lips are sealed."

I nodded we turned on the aisle where the diapers are. I spotted the newborn diapers in the box and I grabbed two placing them at the bottom of the cart. I then grabbed two more boxes.

"Damn O how many boxes of diapers do you need?"

"Enough because newborns go through a lot of diapers," I spoke grabbing two more boxes.

"How you know this?"

"My mama always told me that when I have my own kids to rack up on diapers and wipes because newborns run through diapers and wipes a lot."

I turned looking on the other side of the aisle seeing the wipes I got started on grabbing the boxes of wipes.

"Alright now lets go get the essentials."

We walked further down the aisle.

"O you getting Johnson & Johnson products for the baybeh," Shawn asked.

"Probably Baby Aveeno or Baby Dove."

I looked at both brands for babies trying to decide which one to get for the baybeh. About 5 minutes later I grabbed the Baby Aveeno products and placed them in the cart.

"When's Brielle due date?"

"September 10, 2019."

"What do you want Bri to have?"

"I want a mini me but if she's carrying my daughter I'll be happy too."

Me and Shawn walked and talked as I got more essentials for the baybeh. I can't wait to find out what we're having so we can start buying clothes.

"Alright Shawn I'm done."

"Who's the goddad?"

"You who else," I asked.

"Just making sure."

We made our way to the front going straight to the register we greeted the cashier and I started putting everything on the conveyor belt. The guy rung up everything gave my the price and I paid for everything. Me and Shawn places everything back in the shopping cart I got my receipt and we made our way out of Target.

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