Big Heart

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Keon in m/m

I sat in silence in the bleachers as I waited for Brielle and Odell to come since this is my first offense I have to miss the first half of the game this Friday. I saw Aniyah making her way up to where I was I let out a sigh.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Talk to me about what Niyah you fucked my teammate."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Aniyah like I said earlier we're done Ben can have your thot ass."

My phone dinged and it was Odell telling me that him and my sister was 10 minutes away. I grabbed my practice bag and brushed passed Aniyah making my way inside of the school. I looked down at my phone and responded back to Odell I felt my body collied into something I got up and noticed I bumped into Koren I helped her up then I helped her gather her books.

"I'm sorry about that Koren I wasn't looking where I was going."

"You know my name?"

I smiled.

"Of course I do we take chemistry and literature class."

"Oh right."

"What you doing here this late?"

"I had to tutor somebody in calculus."

"Oh okay."

Koren pushed some of her hair behind her back.

"You think you can help me out with understanding how to balance out chemical equations."

"Sure it's not that easy."

"Okay let me see your phone."

"For what?"

"To put my number in there so I can send you my address so you can help me study."


Koren unlocked her phone then she handed it to me I placed my number in her phone then I called my phone from her phone so I could have her number. My phone dinged and it was Odell I looked up at Koren.

"My ride is here but I'll text you my address."


"Bye Koren."

"Bye Keon."

I smiled once more and walked away towards the entrance bracing myself to hear Brielle and Odell both get on me about my anger. After walking out of the school and down the steps I walked over to Odell Rolls Royce and got in the back seat.

"Why you was fighting Keon?"

I let out a sigh.

"Found out that Ben and Aniyah been messing around for a few months."

"Wait isn't Aniyah your girl?"

"Ex girl and yeah she was I just don't understand why she would treat me like this I have a big heart I never treated her badly, never did anything to disrespect her, always treated her like pops did my mom and she did me dirty."

"You'll find that girl one day Keon."

"I hope so everyone around me is happy and in a relationship I want that too."

"She'll come to you bro be patient."

"I will bro so what's my punishment."

"Gotta clean up your dirty ass room that's for one."

"I can handle that oh and I'm going to be out the first half of the game Friday."

"Okay oh and two you have to watch your niece and nephew Saturday me and Bri gotta date."


"What type of car you want baby bro?"


"Any specific model?"


"We gotta get you your own whip cause me and Bri can't be picking you up all the time."

"Wait I know y'all aren't about to buy me car," I asked when I noticed we wasn't going home.

"Yes we are."

"The only thing you're responsible for is keeping gas in your car."

"Oh I got that."


We turned into the Audi dealership Odell parked and we all got out. I swear I owe Odell and Brielle my life.

Don't get me wrong I love both of my little brothers but me and Keon bond is different any time he calls I'm there Cj is the same way but Keon is like my baby. I watched as Keon walked around looking at different Audi's.

"How come you never bought Cj a car?"

"My dad had already brought Cj a car and when they learned about me he wasn't too happy and at first he would treat me like crap but eventually that changed I love Cj don't get me wrong but me and Keon clicked instantly and anytime I had to watch them when my father was gone Cj didn't like that and he would rebel against me and do whatever he wants and he didn't like when I would discipline him and Keon he would always tell me that I'm not his mother and I can't tell him what to do."


"Yeah I love my lil bro I do but our bond isn't as tight as me and Keon's that's why when he got expelled I let him move in with us and transferred his school to the one that's closer to the house."

"Oh okay."

"Aye sis and O I think I found the car."

"Oh yeah."

We followed behind Keon.

"The new 2020 Audi RS3 this one has all black everything."

"You sure you want this?"

"Yes I'm sure."


A car salesman walked up to us and Keon told him that this is the car that he wanted we then made our way to his office to get the paperwork done.

"Cj is going to be upset when he finds out that I got the new 2020 Audi RS3."

"And he'll be alright you deserve it for all of the hard work you've been putting in school and on the field minus today's incident."


"Don't let it happen again Keon."

"I'm not O."

After talking with the car salesman over everything the Audi comes with and getting the total I went in my purse to get my wallet out.

"What are you doing?"

"About to pay for my brother car."

"Nah I'm about to pay for his car."

"Oh lord," Keon mumbled.

Odell can't never let me pay for nothing.

"O you have a wedding that you have to pay for."


"And the honeymoon."

"Alright fine you can buy the car but make this your last time paying for something from your credit card."

I slightly rolled my eyes I went in my purse and got out my wallet I handed the car salesman my credit card. Even though I'm buying the car Keon signed all of the paperwork and the car is in his name he's going to be on me and Odell insurance until he's old enough to get his own insurance without it being so high.

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