Moving Day

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The next morning

It's moving day and I'm pretty excited to be moving into our new house after the dinner last night me and Odell came back home and went straight to sleep and we didn't get a chance to talk. I woke up about 2 hours ago to Odell being gone so I had called Taliyah to come over to help me then an hour later the movers came. O gave me a tour of the house before we left as well we have two walk-in closets which is perfect because we have a lot of stuff.

"Bri you know if O see you lifting anything he'll flip his shit."

"Liyah this isn't heavy it's my makeup bag."

"I know but you know how O is."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I know he just want me to sit pretty but he's been gone for the past two hours he didn't text me or leave a note saying he was leaving."

Odell and Shawn walked in.

"What are you two doing?"

"What does it look like," Liyah spoke.

"And O before you say anything the only thing I lifted was my makeup bag and it's not even that heavy."

"You two head on over to the new house me and Shawn will take it from here."

"What are we supposed to do?"

"We went grocery shopping so y'all can go put up the groceries and Bri-," I cut Odell off.

"I know I know don't lift nothing to heavy."

"You sound like you're tired of me."

"Shawn and Liyah can you give us a minute."

"Yeah sure."

Shawn and Taliyah walked out of the closet I looked at Odell.

"Now why would you say that."

"Because your face looks irritated."

"I'm tired of you telling me to not lift anything heavy babe I know not to lift anything heavy and if you could help it I wouldn't be able to lift anything at all I know baby I'm very pregnant and you're just looking out for me and the twins."


"Our twins will be fine okay."


"And trust me I'll never get tired of you ever you didn't place this ring on my finger for no reason," I said as I held up my left hand.

"Damn right I didn't."

"I think I know what's wrong with you though."

"What's wrong with me then?"

"You want some it's been what 3 days since we have sex," I spoke with a smirk.

"Yes yes it has three days too long."

"The faster we get everything move in the faster I'll let you have your way with me."

"You serious?"

"Yes I'm serious just don't be rough with me."

"I haven't been rough with you since you got pregnant."


"SHAWN MY BOY WE GOT WORK TODAY," Odell called out.

"Gon and leave with Liyah baybeh," O spoke he walked over to me and kissed me.

I smiled and shook my head as I walked out of the closet Taliyah looked at me as Shawn walked into the closet.

"What you told O?"

"Told him I'll give him some later the faster he get everything moved."

"Oh wow," Taliyah spoke as we walked out of the room.

"What Liyah? It's been three days since we had sex so it's about time."

We walked down the stairs and over to the front door.

"Wait y'all have sex while you're pregnant?"

"Yes girl O says that I'm even wetter than before."

"Wait really?"

We got into Taliyah car.

"Yes in O words pregnant pussy is the best well besides when I'm not pregnant."

"I so did not know that."

"Girl me either but O put me on."

Taliyah nodded as she drove off I placed my seatbelt on. Only 2 weeks left before the baby shower and two more months before we meet our baby boy and baby girl.

Once I had all of Brielle clothes placed on the clothing racks I had the movers to come and take her clothes out my clothes and shoes is already on the truck. Now it's time to get my baybeh shoes out the way.

"So O y'all really is making us wait to see what y'all twins will be named?"

"Yes we have a few names in mind we just want to make sure that the names we choose is perfect just for them we just don't want to name them just anything ya know."

"No I don't because I don't have any kids just yet but I do get it though."

"Have you and Liyah talked about kids?"

I sat three boxes down on the floor.

"Yeah we have but not right now."

"A baybeh comes at an unexpected time cause me and Bri both agreed to not have any kids at the moment but here we are with twins on the way I think our mistake was not knowing when she ovulate."

"What does ovulation have to do with anything?"

"You don't know what ovulation is or what happens?"

"Nah I wasn't around Liyah when she was on her period until recently."

"I know this cause I asked questions when Bri was on her period and after she was off her period so ovulation happens every two weeks every month after a woman gets off of her period on that particular day the egg is released from the ovary waiting to be fertilized by the sperm some women will feel a sharp or dull pain on either their right or left side also called mittelschmerz."

"Damn I ain't know that."

"Ask questions my nigga the next time Liyah is on or off her period and if she snaps on you more than likely she will cause Bri did you just let her know that you want to help her ease some of her pain."

"And what did Bri say when you told her that?"

"She started crying and after I calmed her down Bri told me everything she wanted me to do for her I even rubbed her stomach while she was cramping then when she went to sleep I placed a heating pad over her stomach while
I cleaned up the house for her it's the lil things that counts."

Shawn nodded.

"Liyah tells me all that time that I'm a good boyfriend but I wanna be better than good so I'm going to take your advice and also step my game up."

"I gotta question though?"

"Wassup O."

"You see yourself proposing to Liyah and becoming a married man?"

"No doubt about it I already asked her pops for his blessing now all I gotta do is have you to come ring shopping with me to get Liyah ring."

"I gotchu bruh."


"Aye we boys the least I can do is help you out this is the first relationship that you have been in since college."

"Right it's been a minute."

We continued to talk and take Bri shoe boxes down off of her shoe rack. Shawn last relationship ended bad as hell and that was the reason for him to hoe around after his relationship ended but him meeting Taliyah changed my boy for the better.

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