Hello Karma

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~Chapter One~
Has it been a year ago, when Chris Brady and I planned our wedding? Doing the calculations, it has. Are we married now? Not yet. I'm still thinking. Or maybe he is still thinking. I really can't read him anymore.

I still manage the Violet's Inn and it's been really amazing. I took a month classes to help grow my business and it helped too. I do all kinds of things at the eatery. I serve customers sometimes and still keep track of my employees. It's fucking amazing to be a boss sometimes.

"Ma'am." An employee called from the customer service stand and I stood up from my desk. I've been staring at the desktop for hours now. "You've someone on the line ma'am." The hostess said and I walked to her in my heel. I've been getting used to it. I took the phone from her and cleared my throat.

"Thora Violet speaking. How may I help you?" I asked.

"Do you see my calls come through on your phone?" The voice was so familiar. I rolled my eyes and nudged the hostess to go do other things. A customer was walking in and she had to show her where to sit. "Thora,"

"What do you want Chris?"

"Answer my calls. Reply my messages and stop being rude to me. I'm being stressed out here and the least I want from you is to stress me up too, got it?"

"When are you coming?" I asked not waiting to hear a positive answer as always. "It's okay. Go do what you were up to. I've things to do here too."


"Take care." I put the telephone down angrily making it almost fall over and I breathed in heavily. "That motherfucker!" I cussed out alarming my customers.

I faked warm smiles at them and walked to my office. I took the heels off and slipped into my fur sandals I had placed next to the desk. I was grunting while I slipped them on and slouched into the chair. I picked my phone up and his messages were lined up on the phone's screen.

Chris went back to 'Riches town' to handle his dad's business after he stayed with me for two months. I believe we would've gotten married right now if he didn't leave. His mom made the request to him and he couldn't decline. He said his parents will get back together if things head towards their way. I didn't know why he was so obsessed with his parents getting back together. He wasn't some kid. They're grown ups and they both know what they want. He believed his mom was doing his dad a favor and that'll make Mr' George work things out with her.

What bullshit! Don't they know what they want. They are not kids Chris. 

But just like that, he left me here. I strongly believed he had other plans. There was something else going on in the family and he didn't want to share it with me.

I closed early from work, feeling sick to the stomach again. I drove home silently thinking and thinking. What can I do for him to come back? I've tried it all. He never came. Maybe I should be the one going to him. My life wasn't going to be that simple anymore if I step a foot in 'Riches Town'. I felt a lot of things waited for me there. I've isloted myself for months now. I can't keep this up. I want to be touched by him. I want him to make love to me. How is he so calm? How does he sleep knowing I'm not next door anymore?

I needed a week in settling everything and handing this business over to my trusted employee who became more like a family to me. It took days into convincing him to handle things in my place.

"Drew, I'm not going to spend forever there. I just want to get my man back. I'm loosing him the more I stay here and he isn't coming if I don't go to him." I explained. His hazel deep eyes were searching through me and he found nothing. He sighed on his matured face and looked at me.

"I understand Violet. I want you to think this through, that's all."

I smiled at him and replied "I have."

    Five hours drive? I wasn't ready for that but I needed to. For the sake of our happiness and happy ever after. I set off at dawn after packing the night before and I was exhausted. My bones were tired. My hand on the steering wheel was tired too and I still didn't mind. I got to Riches town after what seemed like seven hours drive instead of five.

I was beaming with joy. I looked at Natalie, my aunt's house and smiled. I missed this place. I turned the car's engine off and stepped out of the car. The door to the house opened and Cheryl came out of the house holding her daughter's hand. I couldn't believe how they've both grown so much. "Thora!" Cheryl exclaimed. It's so good to see you too bestie.

I've been dying to see her face and her crazy jokes. "Oh how I've missed you Thora. I can't believe I'm seeing you right now. Is this real!"
she asked the last part to Mia and she giggled.

"Mia." I held her daughter's hand and Cheryl was looking at me. "Your mama misses you Mia."

"You left everyone here. She isn't your mama Mia." she said and we both laughed. I looked at the Chris' house and there was no sign of a person living there. It had turned spooky like it used to before he moved in. "Let me guess, he doesn't know you're coming too." I nodded while I still played with Mia's hand.

"Is he home?"

"And he didn't tell you he moved too, right?" she sighed and I gulped. "He isn't staying here anymore Thora."


"I don't know. Go to him and ask him. He's been with his family ever since he got back."

"Can you wait for me at home? I've to see him now. I can't wait any longer:"

"Sure. I'll let Nat and Nat know." I hugged her briefly and practically ran to the car.

Something thick was growing inside me and I tried fighting it away but it still creeped towards me. I drove as fast as I can to his dad's house. Fighting all nervousness away.

    I saw his old car and three other cars parked in front of the house. I was relieved he was home afterall. I got down from the car and pressed my hands together. Was it right to show up like this unannounced at his house? Why wouldn't he? I'm his fiancée. I looked at my finger and I still had the engagement ring on so technically I'm partially married to him. That made me kick my nervousness to the curb. I took in a deep long breath and walked steadily to the house.

My legs wanted to ran to him when I saw him lying down on the sun lounger. His hands were at the back of his head and he was looking up in the sky. It was still nighttime.

"Chris," a female's voice called. I stood still at the exact position watching her walk to him. She had her hand walking around her big belly.

I've seen that face before and no it wasn't Freya or Hillary.

"Lana, I told you to be inside. It's cold out here." he worried.

Yes it's her. His dad's secretary. The one he's been flirting with or the one he made me believe was flirting with him.

"I don't want you to harm my baby, Lana. Please go inside." She took another step and saw me right there. She looked at me with disbelief. Chris turned too and they both saw me. He stood up from the sun lounger and he took a step forward. I took a step back and he knew what that was. He took another step and I took a step back again.

"Stay where you are!" I yelled and I felt my own voice echoing in my ear. He rather took another step forward and I had to yell again.

"Don't fucking come close to me! I swear to God, I'll kill both of you right here if you take another step!" Angry tears fell on my cheeks and I brushed it off.

What I was scared of was happening again. It wasn't going to take a day for me to be another victim.

:Don't be a silent reader here too please. Comment your thoughts here and do the voting. I'm counting on you😉

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