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~Chapter Thirty Seven~

<Chris Brady> The crickets are calling and my heart is beating. The green night light from outside has been looking at me and I smile at the bright moonlight. Dawn has been looking at me pace out in my thoughts. Thora was still in there with Asher.

Why did I feel so calm? It's her decision. How did he know where she was? It was her decision. Why did she go with him? It was her fucking decision. Why am I still looking calm? It's mine decision to decide if she decides to let him go or not.

"You're beautiful Chris." Dawn said.

"Thanks" I said and tapped my finger on the table between us.

"We should head inside too. It's getting late."

"I'm okay. She'll be out any moment from now." I said and she burst out laughter.

"Can you wait for that long? Miller must be sexing her in there. You should go to bed. It's been six hours already. You don't look like you've a lot of patience either. I've been looking at you make a fist in your hands a thousand times. Your eyes have gone red now."

"Thora... won't let him sex her again." I boldly said. Dawn smiled and held my hand on the table. Her hands were hot enough to warm my cold hands but that wasn't what I needed.

"Do you really know the Miler brothers? Everyone thinks the elder one is bad news but it's all Asher. He is worse than Dave and he'll kill me for selling him out to you." she laughed. She had a nice and warm smile. Her eyes twinkle when she talks about Asher. I couldn't point out what that was. "I bet you that Dave is even scared of of his little brother sometimes. His death glare alone..." she paused and looked at me. "Do you have that too? If your 'wife' wants to be with him instead, should we try to get along. I want to get over him too." she smiled and reached for my hand again.

"You look like a very nice person. You're patiently waiting for your wife to come back to you when she's been in a room alone for hours with Asher."

This very nice person talk is what is pulling me down. I don't want to be nice. I'm not a nice person. I want to be bad again. Thora fell for the bad me. Did I become too good for her?

"Chris Brady?" Dawn asked. "You should let her go. Asher isn't done with her yet. He'll stop if he wants to."

"Who are you to him?" she smiled and shook her head.

"He's my everything." The sparks came again in her eyes. "I was his too."

"And you're cool with him pestering Thora?"

"You're cool with it too."

"It's her decision..."

"It's his decision too. I don't want to be on his bad side. He'll always be here," she pointed to her heart. "And down here too." she pointed to her thighs and laughed.

"You're an ex girlfriend?" I nervously asked.

"We were not like that. I just do him a favor and summon to him when he calls for me." My mouth opened with a shock wave and it closed again. "Why are you surprised? It's Asher Miller and he's way worse than you think."

"He wasn't like that before."

"Really? Then you do not know him that much. He was bad before. He got okay and started dating some lunatic who got scars on his heart. That bitch was even sleeping with Dave and his friends. I really don't know what she did to him. He was attached to her so badly. Like he couldn't let her go no matter how much she hurt him. She made him miserable." Dawn sighed. She sniffed and smiled. "You've to know why he's so much attached to your girlfriend too. You can stop this."


"By going against the Miller brothers." she laughed. "Asher is a handful. He's a great actor. Your wife fell for it." If only she was really my wife. "So what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. It's her decision. I've done enough."

"You haven't. I really don't want her to end up with him. Look, it's okay if he doesn't want me to be his girlfriend after everything I've been doing for him but no, I do not want him to make her his fiancée. I'll go nuts."

"You love him?"

"A lot. I really do love him. I've been friend zoned by him for years now. I don't think I can do it anymore. Go in there and get your girl. Don't let him take her away from you." she brushed off a tear and I sighed. Her phone rung in her bag and she wiped her face dry before she answered the call. She cleared her throat and breathed in air.

"Yes sir." she said and I sat back in the chair. This woman was weird too. "He cancelled the meeting..." she remained silent on the phone and sighed. "No... he..." she put the phone on the table and picked it up again. "Dave can you please shut up and listen to me?" she politely asked and I silently laughed. "No sir. I'm sorry for disrespecting you. I'll get him on phone in the next hour." she stayed silent again and put the phone on the table. "How am I supposed to know? He's in there with his fiancée or so and I'm sitting here in the cold waiting for him. You should be polite to me too. I'm not just his secretary. I'm his fucking friend."

His fucking friend alright.

"I don't know. She's Blue or whatever he calls her. None of you has been controlling him and you want me to tell him what to do?" She was obviously getting angry by her tone of voice. "I beg your pardon Dave...but fuck you!" she hung up and groaned angrily. "Damn you." she angrily said. She looked at me me and breathed in air. "I want to fuck them up so much."

"You've been fucking Asher already." I teased and she was blushing under the moonlight. "Was this planned?"

"No. We had other important things to do. He just drove here without a warning. He's been angry for days now and I had no idea his fiancée was here. That makes sense for how he's been shutting me up and stopping me from asking questions." she looked around her. "I need a drink." I checked the time on my phone and it's now been seven hours since Thora's departure with Asher.

"I've to see her now." Dawn nodded and smiled at me. "See you around?"

"Yeah. Miller isn't leaving if she's here too." I faked a smile at her and stood up from the chair. "Have a goodnight Chris."

"You too." she waved at me.

~ I lay down in bed with elbows on it. I had the urge to walk out of that room and see my son's face. The one who got us here was with someone else. There are stages of break ups. We've the stage where you're being pushed to call it quits. I was in that stage now. I was being pushed to break off this relationship that never works out. The front door slowly opened and I heard Thora walk in. She headed to the bathroom first and she spent another minutes there. I do not have the spirit to get into an argument with her. This argument can lead to a break up and I will really walk away this time.

Thora came out of the bathroom with a towel on and she walked to the balcony. She stood still and looked outside. I sat down on the bed and looked at her. Her fingers were going in and out of her hair. What was her decision? Do I have that enormous strength to make it easier for her? I stood up from the bed and walked to her quietly. I leaned by the wall and watched her from the backside.
"Thora," I called her out. Her decision here didn't involve me. I wasn't on her list of choices now. I was out of it. "Thora." I said. I can stop this too.

What do you think happened between Asher and Thora again?
Please be patient.
It's still been updated😌

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