We Can Do This!

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~Chapter Forty-Eight~

<Thora Violet> I woke up in bed and realized this was the first time a guy fullfiled his promise to me.

This bed was comfy. My old bed in my old town.

If I was supposed to be found, I would've.

The day before I finally slept in bed after seven whole months, Dave barged into the place Lana had kept me. He reached out his hand to me and smiled.

"I'm getting you out." he smiled. I rubbed my hand on my belly and smiled at him. "Come on." he said. He carried me in his arms and walked me out of this place. The fake cops were looking at us. "Your job here is done. Check your accounts."

"Yes sir." They saluted.

"Cut that crap. You're not real cops."

"It was nice being one. We're planning on being one for real." Toby winked at me and I eyed at him. "You owe me one pretty girl." he looked at me surprisingly. "You were pregnant?"

"Keep your mouth shut, do you hear me?"

"Yes sir." he saluted again and Dave got me inside his car. The car's seat felt weird on my butt. I've not sat on a real chair for months now.

"Where should I take you to?"

"Bus station."


"I don't want to be here."

"You're having his child. Shouldn't he know about this?"

"No. Don't tell anyone about this and I'll keep what happened here inside of me."

"Sure. Let fate decide." he smiled and drove me away.

Dave gave out my phone and my handbag which had all my credit cards in there. "I'm sorry for what we did to you. Lana is crazy and I almost got crazy too. I didn't know she was going to keep you here for that long."

"I understand. I didn't know she was crazy enough to set up that childish thing she did and even stab herself."

"She loves to play." he laughed. "Take care Violet. Be happy and move on like you said you would. I'll be checking up on you. You can count on me if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you too." he hugged me for a short while and I got down from the car.

"Violet, do you mind telling me where you're going to?"

"No. Nobody has to know." I waved at him and walked away slowly. I purchased a ticket, got on a bus and went away. Leaving behind what used to be my happiness.

~Natalie, my aunt looked at me surprisingly when I showed up at home. She had her ex-husband—sorry, they made up, her husband with her.

"Ah, my favorite student." Newton said jovially and I smiled. He was aging. Lines of grays were already showing up in his hair. He drew me in to him and hugged me tightly. I was pulling back so my tummy doesn't pinch him. I was still in the baggy clothes and it was hard to notice I was carrying a child. "You and my least favorite student got engaged?"

"Yeah but we ended it."

"What? How? Nat said you reconciled again." Natalie asked.

"It didn't work out, that's all." I smiled at them and they looked at me worriedly. "I'll go to my room now. Been tired."

"Okay. You look lean. Should I make dinner for you?"

"It's late Nat. I want to feel my bed desperately." she nodded and I walked slowly again to my room. I felt their eyes on me.

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