Girl's Night

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~Chapter Twenty Four~                 

<Thora Violet> My crying at the bathroom was interrupted by a loud thump from the door to the bedroom. I took a step forward and heard Cheryl and Randy's voice. The rattling noise from the clothes and hungry wet kisses made me gasp. "Randy," Cheryl said. She was loosing breath. "Randy wait. Thora might come in."

I'm already here Cherry.

"She's with Chris. I've the door locked." he said and they went back to kissing. After some minutes, she called him again. "What Cheryl?"

"I don't want this. You still have Hillary and I've Nat. What happened last night had to be the last time." she moaned. "Stop doing that and let's talk. I don't think straight when you do that...Randy." she moaned in a squeal again.

I sat on the lid of the WC. They'll feel embarrassed when I walk in there, won't they?

"I'm going to break things up with Hillary." What? Is he serious? "Can you chose me too?"

"Randy... this... I don't know what to say?"

"We've been in an open relationship for months now and things are not working out between us. I know she's seeing someone else too so... can you chose me? I know you and Nathaniel have Mia but I'll take care of her too if you let me. I don't want to lose you anymore Cheryl."

"Randy, I..."

"I don't want to rush you. Just think about this. I know you still feel something for me too."

The room got silent and later I heard the bed squeak. She was moaning really loudly in there and I covered my ears with my palm. She is going to choose him over Nathaniel? She has gone crazy!! They've a daughter together and Nat really loves her. I thought she really did too. They looked in love. Why is her heart wavering again? Did her feelings change when Nathaniel cheated with his colleague at work?

Lord, their clapping sounds and moans could make a hit song. It was so loud and interesting.

The bed was shaking uncontrollably. My couchie started pulsing. I should've let Chris do this with me. I was still horny. He was hard too and I left him there. Randy grunted in a moan and the claps got louder. Her screams got louder too and only sighs came out.

"I love you Cherry." he said. Please don't fall for it Cheryl. He never said that to her before when they dated. He was really shaking her heart up here. "I really do."

Okay, that's it! I stood up from the lid and heard a knock on the door. "Are you expecting someone?"

"No, it must be Thora." she said.

"Cheryl," Shit! That was Hillary's voice. "Uh... is Randy in there? I want to talk to him."

"No!" she replied sharply.

"I know he's in there. I just want to talk to him. It won't take a minute."

I've to do something. I paced in the bathroom thinking of what to do. I sighed and stepped out of the bathroom. We all gasped out. Oh my God! I just saw Randy's peepee. Shit! He covered himself and I took my eyes off him. Oh my God! It could break the Jericho wall! I gulped and grinned.

"Uh..." I sighed. "Uh... Hillary, he's not in here. I'm with her here."

"I heard moans in there Thora. I don't care anymore about what he's doing. I want to talk before the alcohol runs out of my body."

"We... we're watching... porn in here. It's a girl's thing. We do that a lot."

She giggled. "Okay, let me know when you see him."

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