You Don't Scare Me

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~Chapter Twenty~                  

<Chris Brady> "So your wife gave birth huh?" Randy laughed on the phone. "When should I see Mr's Lana? Hey have you thought of a name for your son?" he laughed.

"Stop joking around and come see me. I'm loosing my mind here. I don't even sleep. His cries are like thunder. I fell from my bed last night so hard when he wailed." I said rubbing my hands on my forehead at the hall.

"You deserve that."

"Me? What did I do?"

"You've been fucking her haven't you?" he laughed.

"It was just once Randy. She begged for it and I only did that to make her come. It didn't mean anything to me."

"What about her? Don't you know how she feels about you? It meant a lot to her Chris."

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not ready for this."

He laughed again. "Yeah sure. Hillary says hi. We've a reunion coming up."

"Whatever. Bye." I hung up and Lana walked down the stairs. She had a shorts on she was smiling at me. "Let's talk." I said and she walked closer to me. She slicked her hair back and sat in the couch. "Is he sleeping now?" she nodded and smiled. "You know we've to talk, don't you?"

"I don't know." she shook her head.

"Okay..." I sighed. "About us, what do you think we are?"

"Aiden's parents?" Not the parent word Lana. Yeah, my baby's name is Aiden Brady. Cool?

"That's all we are right?" Please say yes.

"We're more than that Chris. I'm not dumb, I know what you're trying to say and I'm not going to allow it. I really love you Chris. What else do you want me to do? Why are you trying so hard to push me away?"

"I don't feel the same way Lana. We... can't stay together anymore. I know we've Aiden but I can't. The feelings you have for me is going to go away when you're not with me. I can't love you back Lana. You should know that."

"Because of Thora?" I stayed mute. "Do you want to see what am I going to do to your baby if I leave this house? If you don't love me, you can't love my baby too!" she said angrily and stood up from the couch. I stood up too and held her hand.

"It's not about Thora. It's just too uncomfortable for me. Okay, you're not going to leave this house. I'll leave."

"And she will come with you." My mom said from the stairs. I looked at her walk down. What was she doing? We talked about this before. "Thora is pregnant am I right?" she asked and I glared at Lana. "If you're going to move out, take Lana and your baby with you."


"It's decided. So it's either you stay here with everyone or live with them. That's a nice choice, you can get to know each other more." she turned to Lana and she was wiping tears out of her eyes. "Lana dear, I'm sorry for my stupid son's behavior. He still doesn't know much."

Mellisa smiled at her and she wiped another tear. "So let me ask you, are you going to live alone with Lana and my grandson or you're going to be here?"

"I don't want any of that. I'll live alone without any of you."

"Are you bold enough to step out of that door?"

"Are you going to lock me inside my room again?" They're making me angry.

"It could be arranged too. Think of your baby now Chris." she smiled at me and walked away. I sighed and sat back in the couch. This gets complicated as the days go by.

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