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~Chapter Twelve~                          

<Thora Violet> I'm not going to talk about Chris anymore. My life shouldn't revolve around him.

I was home with Cheryl, waiting for Asher. He said he has a surprise for me. All his surprises so far has been full of pleasure. I can't wait for this. "Cheryl are you still not going to tell me what you and Nathaniel argued about?"

"Your brother made a sex video with his co worker Thora."

"What the?"

"This skinny girl at his workplace sent him a message when he was sleeping and I accidentally clicked on it. My whole life came to an end Thora. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't let him know, I've seen part of the video. I asked him who she was and he lied!" she said angrily. "He fucking lied to me. I took his phone and showed him the video and he was like where did I get it from. That pissed me off real bad. I could've killed him that night Thora."

"So are you okay with him now?"

"He hates it when I talk about it so he fucks the life out of me to shut me up and it always works." she laughed. "Hey, I'm still angry okay. It breaks me down anytime I think about it."

"You'll be fine. He'll calm you down again." I laughed and the front door opened. "Asher." I exclaimed and stood up from the couch. He's been angry I let Chris fuck me again and I couldn't blame him. I've been angry too for trying to believe him.

"Hey Asher." Cheryl smiled at him and he smiled back at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah. How's Mia." he asked without looking at me.

"She's okay. She'll be home soon." he nodded and looked at me. "You guys should have fun. I'm going inside." she winked at me and excused herself.

I walked closer to him and he looked at me. He had a strange look on. "Can we go now?"

"Can we talk?" I asked and he looked at me. Should I continue? "Asher I'm sorry okay. I know you're mad at me. Can we talk?"

"Let's go." he held my hand and smiled at me. "We can talk when we get home." I nodded and picked up my handbag. He led me out and opened the car's door for me. I sat in sighing and he joined me in it. "You didn't forget about today, right?"

"The surprise?"

"Yeah. You'll love it."

"I know I will." I smiled.

He drove us to his house and we sat down in the car. He leaned in close to me and took this same blindfold I've been seeing in his bedroom. I couldn't complain because anytime he picks that up, he kills me with pleasures. I let him cover my eyes with it and he got down from the car. He led me out of the car holding my hand.

He climbed the stairs with me and some sort of nervousness filled my belly, like I was scared and excited at the same time. I heard the door open and the scent of the room showed, it was the room with the balcony. "Why are we using this room?"

"I want to be in my room with you after this. I know you're going to squirt all over." he said and I chuckled. He started planting kisses on my body and his hand traced down my dress. "Do you have any panties on?" I shook my head and he kissed on my lip. "Good girl."

He stood at my back running his hand on my body and hair. It sends chills in me. He has a cold hand and the room was already cold. My dress came off my body and I breathed in. I heard muffled voices at the background too.

"Asher what's that? I heard some noise."

"I don't hear anything." His finger slipped in my hole and I held onto him for support. He was rubbing and thrusting in me and I didn't fail to moan out. "Let's get you to the bed." he whispered.

Beyond Crazy -Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now