Not This Time Too

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~Chapter Forty-Four~         

<Thora Violet> Living in a prison-like place for months now made all my spirit leave my body. This place had no bed. It had a little washroom that an ant can't even fit in. They had served two black and grey dull clothes which were just my size. They must've planned this a lot. They pass these ugly foods to the door and looking at it just makes me vomit. It was ugly like the ugly cop who always frowns at me and yells at me thousand times in a day.

I thought I really killed someone but the bitch showed up at this place. She put her arms on her chest and smiled at me. I was lying down on the floor like I've been doing for weeks now. I did not bother to sit up and look at her. "Miss Violet." she said.

"Hey bitch." I mumbled.

"Ou, you look ugly. Chris should see you like this." she laughed. "You should know what's going on outside of here Thora. I'll keep you updated." she bent on her toes and sighed. "Your Chris and I are living together in 'your' home with 'our' son. If you're to get out of here alive, you'll see me with him every single goddamn day. I suggest you live the rest of your life here Thora. Chris is done with you." I sat up and looked at her.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm updating you on the love of your life. He doesn't think about you anymore. He hates you." she smiled.

I expected the hatred but why live with her?

"Isolated jail looks good on you Miss Violet. I should take a picture of you and send it to Chris but he wouldn't even look at you. He knows you broke up with him on phone."

"Are you out of your mind?" I was getting so angry. I wanted to get up, ran to her and punch her hard on her face.

"You should know that by now Thora. Your little family misses you a little. You know, I think if your real parents were alive, they would've looked for your whereabouts but nobody cares. They're all too busy living their lives thinking you really moved on. It's sad to watch Violet."

The bitch's words struck a tear on my face. She was right that nobody cared. I've been here for what seemed to be weeks upon weeks and nobody bothered to look for me. The people I thought cared about me have just moved on with their lives, fucking the bitch who did this to me and living together with her as a stupid family.

"I thought this game you started was going to be that fun," she sighed. "It's really boring. I started it well with all that set up and nobody is trying to find you. I should've come up with something better. I'm sure if you died, nobody would've cared. I seriously thought you were loved and I was wrong about that. All that love he gave to you, he gives it all to me now." I wiped a tear off and swallowed my lump in my throat.

"Did you... did you force him into this?"

She laughed hysterically and stood up on her toes. "That's the funny part Miss Violet. He was like 'I want to try new things with you Lana. I want to love you' and I was like 'are you serious' and that was when he started kissing me." she closed her eyes and ran her finger on her lip. "It's such a shame that you had him all to yourself." she groaned. "Don't worry Miss Violet. I'm doing all the things you two planned to do in your 'sacred room'. He's more than happy to be living with his son and his new lover. You can rot here and he still won't care."

"Is this legal?"

"Why not? A bitch almost killed me and I had to do something. Everything works with money Thora. You're here as a murderer. Don't you love to be alone? Should I take you to the bigger one?"

"No thanks."

"Sure. Suit yourself." she picked up her handbag from the floor and waved at me. "Have a good day." she walked away laughing. I heard her chatter with the ugly cop and I moved closer to the door. "How is she doing?"

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