Too Beautiful To Be Crazy

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~Chapter Forty-Five~

<Chris Brady> In a hospital filled with sick looking people, angry relatives and impatient people was where I sat with Lana. I was calm in my seat and she wasn't.


Aiden was rushed to the hospital by Jesse. He fell from the bed when Jesse was sorting out his room. I was home trying to take a nap when I got this call. I arrived at the hospital, spent an hour here and Lana was still not in. Aiden's ribs broke from the fall and it makes me clench my teeth when I think of what he's going through. I've just been quiet and calm when she walked in. I watched her yell at Jesse for minutes and when she lost her breath, she sat next to me.

Mellisa came in too and she asked to speak to the doctor in charge. I went to see my son in the ward after being operated on. He was being assisted by these respiratory equipments to help him breathe through the mouth. Lana stepped closer to him and held his little hand. She shed her tears like she always does.

"Aiden, I'm so sorry." she cried. "I should've been there for you. I'm really sorry."

"You really should've been there for him. I feel sorry to him for having such a bad mother like you!" she glared at me and wiped her tears out of her face. Her mascara had lined up under her eyes and her eyes were getting red. The door to the ward opened and my mom walked closer to him.

"You should take this out. It's not the right time to argue." she said.

"I want to be here." I said to her.

"I want to be here too." The bitch added.

"You should stay away from my son Lana! I'm warning you."

"Okay, you two should go home. I'll take care of my grandson." Mellisa pointed to the door and I walked out before I lose another patience.

I stood at the parking lot, angrily searching for my car key in my pocket. "Chris!" Lana yelled at me. She grabbed my hand and turned me to her. "Why are you taking your anger out on me?"

"Where were you?"

"That's really not important here Chris..."

"It is fucking important to me where the hell you were! You're never home when I call and you can't even spend an hour with your son!"

"Where were you too?"

"Are you asking me that kind of stupid question like you don't know what I'm up to? You know what, I think we've both done enough. You and I are never going to work out the way YOU want us to. I've loads of problems on my head and you gladly sum it all up. Are you some devil sent into my life or what? What the fuck do you want from me?"

"Just love me."

"I do now and it's not working. Go back to where you came from and please Lana, don't come close to me and my son anymore, please." She sighed heavily and sniffed.

"I'm sorry." she said calmly unlike herself. "I've been trying to find Thora for you because I thought you still wanted her." she held my hand and sniffed again. Why will she even try? "She reached out to me last night and..." she sighed.

"What are you blabbing about?" I asked anxiously. She was scaring me with her sudden talks about Thora. We all know she moved away and moved on with her life.

"You can read the message she sent to me." she took out her phone from her bag and handed it to me. "Read."

Miss Lana, I know you're taking good care of Chris and Aiden. I want to apologize for my childish talks the last time we met and I'm really sorry for stabbing you. I'm asking you a favor to take good care of Chris, treat him right and please do cope with his annoyance. I don't want to step a foot in that town. I'm making my family here and I'm really happy I left all the drama. Thanks for not sending me to jail. I'm sorry.

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