Her Dave

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~Chapter Forty-Six~        

<Chris Brady> I didn't know I was living with a real witch until last night. She left her phone unattended to and I picked it up from the bed. I tried to unlock the passcode on it and she had Aiden's birthdate, set as a passcode. I hate going inside people's privacy. Things were at risk here and I had to do it.

From her chat with Dave, it proved they dated before she got herself pregnant and had Aiden. He was convinced the baby was his too and she strongly objected to that. I don't get it. The Millers are fucking rich too. Why did she chose to have my baby instead?

They're no longer dating but anytime she pays him a visit, she allows him to sex her. His chat shows he hated it and she sent 'I don't mind.' He let her know he has a girlfriend and she sent 'I don't mind.' He let her know he doesn't feel anything for her anymore and she sent 'I don't mind.' She never minds anything but she minded to break off my relationship with Thora.

There was no chat about Thora's absence in our lives. He just let her know Asher was coming back from his business trip. I calculated the date of that chat and the date when Asher showed up at my house. It matched. It was days ago. Asher knew his brother was up to something with Lana and Lana warned Dave not to hint him of anything. Their chats were confusing at this point. I didn't get what was going on.

"Chris, do you want to take a shower now?" Lana asked.

"Not yet. Have all the time you need."

"Okay. I'm having my moment in the tub. You can join me."

"Wait right there. I'll join you soon.

Asher has been on my neck since he came. What should I say to him?

Nothing! He'll forget about her like everyone has. Don't let him get you Dave.

Lana this isn't right. He promised to let her out of your way if you get her out.

No Dave. He tried before. It's not going to work. I'm almost there. Let him hold on for a while.

How long?

Forever, if possible.

You're crazy! It's not her fault that Chris doesn't like you. I agreed to your plans because you said it was going to favor my crazy little brother and you're making him crazier. If he finds out we're really in this together, he'll have my head off. Let her out and let him take her away like we planned!

Are you pissed off?

I am. I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm getting her out.

Will you even try? Dave Miller, do you want to try?

No 😐

Good boy. Calm your crazy brother down. He'll have her if I say so. He started this game so why is he getting mad at me. You all did your part. Let me do mine. I love you.

I don't. You broke up with me for Chris and I don't even know why I'm helping you out. You know Aiden could've been my son Lana. You went MIA on me and you showed up with that thing in your belly. I should kill you for hurting me that way so stop hurting my brother too and get his girl out of that awful cell.

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