What If?

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~Chapter Thirty Two~          

<Thora Violet> Smoke filled the kitchen with burnt toast. It's stench got inside my throat and I started choking on it. I coughed and covered my nose brushing the stench out of my way.

"Nathaniel! Turn the stove off!" I yelled at him and heard the stove click. He wasn't coughing or choking the way I was. He just stood by the stove looking inside the pan. Another week since Cheryl left and it seems he forgot how to shave his stubble. He hasn't seen Mia too and he has been loosing his mind. Every night, I hear him crying softly in his room. He forces smiles out when he looks at me. Cheryl has been ignoring my calls too. He wasn't the only one waiting for someone. I'm still waiting for Chris. I have this feeling I can't wait any longer.

"Is she okay?" Nathaniel asked.


"Mia... and Cherry." I rolled my eyes to the last name. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know." I pushed him away from the stove and carried the frying pan with a napkin. I sat it in the sink and opened the tap. "Get your daughter back if it's bothering you and stop thinking about her. She abandoned you and everyone for him." He sat on a dining chair and supported his chin with his elbows.

"Don't blame yourself that she left. She's just stupid."

"Was I not doing things right? I want her to let me know what is it that I did wrong. I believed she loved me. When did she start seeing him again?" he looked at me for an answer and I turned to the kitchen cabinets. I pretended to look for something. "Thora, when did it start?"

"How will I know?"

"You knew about her every move. Tell me when she started sleeping with him again. Has it been long?"

"Nat I don't know." I looked at him. The look of pain and anger on his face made me sigh. "I don't know when it started. It'll only hurt you if you get to know. Just get Mia back and forget about her."

"How do you want me to forget about her when she's the mother of my daughter! We've been living together for years now..." he paused and sniffed. "I... thought she..." he was choking on his words and I held his hand. "This fucking hurts Thora."

"I know. I know how you're feeling Nat. It'll take time for this pain to pass. I know she hurt you and I'm sorry for that."

"I want both her and Mia back."

"I'll make sure of that." I smiled at him.

My best friend lost her mind too. I stepped away from Nathaniel and called Chris on phone. He didn't answer the call on the second try although it was the weekend. I called again and he answered the call. I heard him panting on the phone and sighing.

"Hey Violet, what's up?" he asked.

"Are you busy?" He panted again and sighed. "Should I call you back?"

"No... let's talk. How have you been?"

"I'm okay. Has Randy been with Mia and Cheryl?"

"I don't really know. He's been busy lately. I'm hundred percent sure he is." A baby's cries started coming through the phone. "Lana! Put the fucking laptop down and pick up the baby!" he yelled and I covered my ears.

"I didn't sleep last night. I'm tired. Let Jesse pick him up." she said and I scoffed. "Don't glare at me. You caused this."

"Let me call you back Thora."

"We can..."

"Hand it over!" he started yelling through the phone. Should I hang up? I had to hear what has been going on. "Don't let me force you." Aiden's cries worsened and I heard a crush.

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