Chapter 1

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        I walked through the halls of my new college. I was a freshman in college and it was the first day for us. More of a get to know the school kind of day and get unpacked. It was strange being in this huge place, although I knew I was going to be getting lost eventually. “Can we please have Hannah Maille to the main office” The intercom said. I figured that was a bad sign so I went straight there. In the office there were two government officials. “Are you Hannah?” One of the men asked. “Y-yes” I said. I didn’t like talking to people, I got very nervous. “We are here to recruit you for a special college” The man said. “What sort of college?” I asked. “It’s for special people” The man repeated. “Yeah you said that” I said. “We aren’t allowed to tell you, but you will find out if you come with us” The other guy said, he seemed a lot friendlier. I decided to go.


        I brought all my school stuff back down and they helped me load it into the trunk. They drove me to a private airport and they loaded my stuff into the cargo area while I got in. It was like being in heaven, but better. I took a seat and did my seatbelt. After we were safely in the air I decided to take a look at their movies and tv shows. The first thing I saw was all nine seasons of supernatural. I grabbed all of them, figuring it would be a flight and went over to the tv. I put in the first one and the nice man from earlier came up to me. “We need you to fill this out” The man said. “Okay” I said taking the paper. He walked away.


        I looked at it and it seemed strange that they would ask me this if I was going to a college. The paper read, What are your top ten fandoms, in order? So I wrote on the line below. 1) Supernatural, 2) Doctor Who, 3) Sherlock, 4) Walking Dead, 5) Lord Of The Rings, 6) Avengers, 7) Harry Potter, 8) Hunger Games 9) Homestuck, and 10) Divergent. The second question was, Are you Religious? I answered yes, born and raised. Three was, Do you write fanfiction for fun? I answered, Yes of course! Writing is my passion, always has always will! And the fourth and final question was, Have you ever experienced any strange happenings that you can’t explain? I answered, Well due to me being a fan of supernatural most things I can explain with different creatures, but for myself personally, I have had weird headaches and seen strange things.


        I finished season one by the time we got there. They let me keep all nine seasons of it. I walked out of the plane and I seemed to be on some island. I stood in front of a large school. There were some students walking around, some seemed to have been there for a few days, others just arriving like me, others having been there for a few years. I followed the man to another large building. There were a lot of doors down the hall, all of which had strange pictures on them. We stopped in front of one with a demons trap. “Here is your dorm room, dinner will be in a few hours” The man said and left.


        I took in a large breath of air before I entered. The first thing I met wasn’t even my roommate, it was a face full of water. “Shit, really” I said wiping it out of my eyes. I opened them and standing in front of me was my roommate. He had blonde hair and he was wearing a dark brown leather jacket, he was also wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. “Sorry, had to make sure you weren’t a demon” He said giving me a half smile. “Yeah, I’m not a demon” I said and I realized who it was. “Holy shit!” I said “What, do I have something on my face?” He asked. “No.Your Dean Winchester!!” I said extremely excited. “I’m sorry do I know you?” Dean asked. “No, but I know you” I said and I pulled out the nine seasons. “Oh, those” Dean said. “Holy crap, I can’t believe I’m rooming with Dean Winchester!” I said. “Wait, I’m rooming with a guy. This is a mix genders dorm?” I asked him. “I guess so” Dean said.


        I walked over to one of the beds. There were four beds. “So, I’m assuming there are others since there are four beds” I said to Dean. “Yeah, Sammy and Cas” Dean said sitting on his bed. “Sweet” I said. I started to unpack again. I figured it was pointless to hang up any of my posters and stuff like that. “So do you have your schedule?” Dean asked me. “I just got here, I don’t know anything that is going on.” I told him, as if it wasn’t obvious. “Yeah, good point, they will probably give it to us at dinner” Dean said. “So what are you?” I asked Dean. “Well I am currently a junior, should be a senior but I failed last year, I honestly couldn’t care less though” Dean said. “I’m a freshmen” I told him. “I figured that much” Dean said.


        We heard the door open and Sam walked in. “Hey Sammy” Dean said. Sam gave him a glare. “Who is that?” Sam asked. “I’m Hannah, I’m your roommate” I told him. “Hey Hannah” Sam said to me. “Hey Sam” I said to him. I continued to unpack while the two brothers continued to talk. I heard the door open again and this time two people walked in. One was my roommate Cas, the other was his brother Gabriel. I automatically felt my face heat up and I turned back to my unpacking hoping they wouldn’t notice me. “Who is that?” Cas asked. “That’s our roommate, Hannah” Sam said. I heard a low whistle that I figured was from Gabriel. “Lucky, I’m stuck rooming with my brothers, do you know what is it like to share a room with Michael and Lucifer, it is not fun” Gabriel said.

        I continued to ignore them until Gabriel jumped onto my bed. “Hey sweet” Gabriel said to me. “Don’t call me sweet” I mumbled out, of course that wasn’t what it sounded like though. He laughed at my sudden helplessness. I could feel my face growing redder. “I’m Gabriel” He said pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket. “I know” I said a bit louder and more audible. “She watched the show” Dean said to him. “Sweet! I fan! Even cooler. Who was your favorite?” Gabriel asked me. I really didn’t want to answer the question. “You” I said. “I’ll be in the bathroom” I said coming up with an excuse to leave that room. I ran down the hall and into the bathroom. I found a free stall and sat down, letting myself calm down. I had just met four characters from my favorite tv show, one of which was the character that I fangirled over. “Well this is going to be an interesting year” I said to myself with a sigh.

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