Chapter 8

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        When we arrived I took a seat next to Charlie. There were two teachers, one had brown hair and wasn't facing me, but he was wearing a dark jacket, I knew already that was John Winchester. The other was an older man. He was wearing a blue cap, and a flannel shirt, it was Bobby Singer. I got up and walked to the front of the class. "May I please get a drink?" I asked. "Make it quick" John said not turning around. I walked out and over to the fountain which was across the hall. I took a quick drink and went back into the room. I sat back down again and I heard a farting sound. I stopped and held up a woopie cushion. Dean grinned at me. I gave him a 'screw you Winchester' look. Dean was laughing quietly over there. “Now class, I want you to know, this is not going to be an easy class. Some of you may die, some may become other creatures. If you are not willing to take that risk you can leave my class now” John said pointing at the door. A few people got up and left. The rest of us stayed. I had a bet to win. “Okay, for your first assignment I want you to write a five paragraph paper on how to kill your specific creature, all the ingredients needed, and how they die” John said. “Mr. Singer is going to walk around with a bowl. Pick on piece of paper out of it. That is your creature” John said.


        Bobby came up to me first. I reached in, shuffled my hand around, and pulled out one. I opened the paper. The creature I got was angel. I groaned. I knew how and all that it’s just that angels was one of those topics for me. “What did you get?” Charlie asked me. “Angels, what about you?” I asked her. “I got vampires” She said. “Oh, those are easy” I said. “Yeah I know, I’ve already done all of the research for these things, this will be an easy project for me” Charlie said. “Yeah, it shouldn’t be too difficult” I said to here. “You guys can work on your project now if you have any devices for that” John said. “So what did you get?” Dean asked turning to me. “I got angels” I told him. “Ouch, I got ghosts, to bad this first project is going to be mine” He said. “In your dreams Winchester” I said to him. “Oh you only wish Maille” He said. “Trust me, with my resources this will be an easy project” I told him. “What resources?” Dean asked. “Spoilers” I said, elapsing into my bit of Doctor Who. “Fuck you” Dean said. I grinned.


        I sat there while they all talked and I got an idea for my next prank on Dean. I knew Dean always kept his phone on so I pulled out my phone, I knew he didn’t have my number, but I knew his. So I sent him. ‘Hey Winchester’. His phone went off immediately. John started directly at his son. I deleted the message then, because I knew Dean would say it was me, and I quickly shoved it into my bag. He walked over to Dean and held out his hand. “Just because you are my son does not give you special rights” John said. “Yes sir I know” Dean said putting his phone into his father’s outstretched hand. As his father was walking away Dean gave me a death glare so bad I actually thought the look would kill me. I muted my phone and turned off my vibrate so that it wouldn’t go off in the class. I opened up my texts and sent one to Gabriel. ‘Hey, could you meet me in my dorm after class, I need your help with some work for my Hunting class’. Five minutes later I got a response. ‘Sure sweet, see you then’ I got. I then got another message from him. ‘I love you’ he sent. not knowing what to do I quickly turned off my phone and pretended I hadn’t seen it.


        The whole rest of class was a breeze. Me and Charlie talked about a bunch of different monsters and creatures that they hunted and we talked about of favorites. We just pretty much got to know each other better. We were best friends so we were going to have to eventually. “When does this class end?” I asked her. “No clue, I think we have like ten minutes left” She said to me. “Okay thanks” I said to her. “Who is it?” She asked. I was confused. “What I asked her. She rolled her eyes at me. “Who is it? Where are you meeting? And when are you meeting?” She asked me. “Why are you assuming I’m meeting someone?” I asked her, even though she was right. “Come on, anyone that wants to rush through this class is clearly meeting someone” She said to me. “Okay, I am” I told her, she let out a squeal. “Whoisit? Whereareyoumeeting? Whenareyoumeeting?” She asked super quickly, barely taking a breath. I couldn’t understand what she was saying. “Slow down and ask me again” I said to her.

        She took a breath and talked again, this time MUCH slower. “Who is it? Where is it? When is it?” She asked me. My face was bright red. “It’s Gabriel” I said hiding my face in my hands. “Awwwww!” She said. “I don’t know where, he wouldn’t tell me that. And he is picking me up at my dorm at five, if he isn’t there already because he is going to be helping me with this project after last block”  I told her. “That’s cool” She said, clearly excited. “Why because it’s my first date?” I asked her. “This is your first date!?” She said shocked. “Yeah, I only ever had one boyfriend” I told her. “Girl have you even kissed someone?” She asked me. “Well, there was this one time in second grade, but I didn’t even really know what kissing was then. Oh and me and Gabriel kissed right before lunch” I told her. “Oh my god! This is awesome! Are you guys official yet?” She asked me. “Yeah we are” I told her. “Girl, it is you first real day of school and you already have a boyfriend, you are off to a good start” Charlie said to me. “Thanks Charlie” I said to her. The bell rang then and me and Charlie both got up. We walked out of the class together. “Peace out bitch!” She said holding up the live long and prosper. I chuckled and left in the other direction.

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