Chapter 34

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I found myself in a dark classroom, in a part of the school I didn’t know. I collapsed into one of the desks, unable to hold myself up at this point. I laid my head down on my arms and just let the tears flow. I couldn’t believe what Gabriel had said. I had to believe Sarah could live through this thing. After crying for I don’t even know how long, I found myself able to stand up again.

I was able to walk from the room and some how was able to retrace my steps back to the medical room. Gabriel was gone and both the ring and the necklace had been picked up off the floor. “You shouldn’t have been so hard on him”. Oliver’s voice came from the corner, I hadn’t even realized he was still there. “You did ask for the truth, and sometime it hurts, but telling the truth is a step in showing someone how much you truly love them” He added. “And you would know all about lying to your family and the ones you love” I said to him. It wasn’t sarcasm, because it was true, he did know. “That is a little different, that is for their own protection” He told me. “But it wasn’t, and isn’t just that. Your family keeps secrets from each other all the time. It drove Thea out of the house at one point” I told him. “Yeah, true. But he told you the truth, even though he knew you wouldn’t like it” Oliver told me. He came over and sat next to me on the end of my bed. “Can I give you some advice?” He asked me, and I nodded. “Don’t let the ones you love slip away, because if you lose them when you still love them, and they didn’t know, you will only feel guilty about it” Oliver said. He put his hand on my shoulder for a minute, then got up and left the room again.

The next day I was allowed to return to base, but I chose not to. Instead I stayed with Sarah. If Gabriel didn’t believe in her I had to for the both of us. Most days I went without eating, and days I did eat I often found myself throwing it back up. Not because I wanted to, but because my body did it. I was so stressed about what was going on, and whether Sarah would live or not, that my body couldn’t take it. At one point my body became so weak from lack of sleep and lack of food that is started to shut down and I was immediately put on bed rest and force fed food.

Once my strength was back up I was back with Sarah. She seemed to be getting better but it was still too soon to tell. There were times I thought I saw Gabriel watching from the door, but I was never sure. He never talked to me about what had happened, he respected that about me at least, but I also had time to think about Oliver’s words of advice. By April Doctor Watson was sure that Sarah would make it. “You can take her out of this place now” Doctor Watson told me one day. “Thank you Doctor Watson, but I would rather keep her here till this whole thing is over. The Cafeteria isn’t exactly the safest place for her” I said to him. “Okay, I’ll look after her while you are there” Doctor Watson told me. “Thanks Doctor” I said smiling at him. “I’ll be back later, Tony needed to talk to me” I added. “Okay, I’ll look after her till then” Doctor Watson said.

I left the medical room and walked off down the hall. As I was walking I walked past Gabriel. I didn’t look up at him, but I looked back when he was past. I watched as he entered the medical room. I stopped where I was, gave a quick look around, and turned back. I placed my ear to the door to listen. “Grace wouldn’t be happy if she knew what was going on” I heard Doctor Watson say. “I know, but she can’t know” Gabriel responded. “Gabriel, I’m just as stumped about this as you are, and I’m looking into it, but I don’t even know how something like this is even possible” Doctor Watson said to him. “John, it isn’t possible, however this happened, it wasn’t natural” Gabriel told him. “Well I know that! A child that has no biological father is certainly not natural” John said.

I backed up slowly into the opposite wall. How could that even be possible. Before either of them could walk out and see me standing there I ran off. When I entered the Cafe I regained my natural appearance, and not my shocked one, and approached Tony. “You wanted to speak to me?” I asked him. “I’ve noticed that you haven’t been speaking to Gabriel lately” Tony acknowledged. “Yes, we had a bit of a falling out. It turns out he had been lying to me, and I didn’t like it” I told him. “What about?” Tony asked. “Look, I know you didn’t call me hear to talk about my love life, so why did you call me?” I asked him. “I wanted to tell you that we are going to attack Metatron’s forces tomorrow at noon” Tony said. ‘What!? Are you insane? Don’t answer that. You can barely defend this place, what makes you think you will be able to take on Metatron’s forces, which, may I remind you, are about double yours” I told him. “I know. Which is why we have a small group. We have taken some of the students who were top in their classes, and certain teacher too, and we are going to make a special task force. They will take out the defences so we can get through” Tony told me. “And why are you telling me this?” I asked him, confused. “Because you are on that team. You had the highest grade in your hunting class, and second in your archery class” Tony told me. “And who else is on this team?” I asked. “Sam and Dean, River, Jack, Oliver Queen, Daryl and Legolas. Some of our best here” Tony said. “Okay, I’ll be heading back to Sarah now” I told him. “Of course, just be ready for tomorrow” Tony said.

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