Chapter 13

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        I woke up in the morning and got changed for the day. When both me and Charlie were done we headed down together for breakfast. We talked and laughed the whole way down. When we were in line for lunch we met up with Gabriel. “Hey sweet” he said giving me a kiss. “Hey Gabe” I said to him. “How was the rest of your day yesterday?” He asked me. “It was okay. I spent most of my time reading in the library” I told him. “That’s cool, that would be why you weren’t in the dorm when I went there” Gabriel said. “Yeah, I felt a bit uncomfortable with Dean yesterday” I said to him. “You told me that” He said.


        We grabbed our breakfast. I got pancakes, home fries, scrambled eggs, and sausages. I followed them as they went over to the normal table that we sit at. I sat in between the both of them. Sam, Dean, and Cas joined us a few minutes later. Sam sat across from me and Dean sat to his right, Cas to his left. The tension at that table was immense. “Ah, Dean I want to say sorry, for, you know, over reacting yesterday. I shouldn’t have been like that, I’m sorry” I said to him. I didn’t look at him, but he could tell I was serious. “Yeah, me too, for playing the song in the first place” Dean said. “So truce?” I asked him. “Yeah, truce, for now that is” He agreed. “Well at least until pranking class Winchester” I said to him grinning. “Oh thank God all this tension is gone! I swear there was so much it was going to kill me!” Gabriel exclaimed loudly. “Well this wasn’t for you Gabriel. This was was for me and Dean” I said leaning onto him.


        The bell rang so we all got up and headed to our first block, which mine was Religion and I had it with Gabriel, Cas, and Kevin. Most of the class was there when we arrived. We took our seats, me behind Gabriel, Cas to his right, and Kevin behind me. Everyone else was scattered throughout the room. We pretty much spent the entire class with a lecture on how the world was created. It was rather boring actually. We took notes and wrote things and Chuck gave everyone their own copy of every type of Polytheistic Religion. When the bell rang I put my books in my bag and found myself being lifted up into the air. I squealed and was thrown over someones shoulder. I recognized the sweet candy smell on the clothes. “Gabriel! Put me down!” I yelped!


        He laughed at me but he didn’t but me down. “Gabriel I don’t see the point of carrying Hannah, she has legs and of her own” Cas said to his brother. “Yeah she does Cas.” Gabriel said, but he still didn’t put me down. He carried me all the way to the pranking class. He didn’t put me down until we were in our group and about to start. We made it through that day too. Group one got kicked out. I looked at my schedule. I had Zombie Survival next. I walked in and found an empty seat. The teacher was a guy. He had sort of long, curly, dark brown hair. He had graying whiskers for a beard. He was also wearing a button up shirt. I realized it was Rick Grimes. I groaned and head desked. I did NOT like Rick. He was annoying. Course then my next thought was, ‘Fuck Carl will probably be in this class, shoot me now!’


        We spent that class taking a few notes on the basics of zombie killing and zombies in general. When that was over I made for the door. I fortunately had a free period so I decided to go to the library again. I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs in front of the windows. The chairs was one of those squishy padded ones. I put my feet up on the table and became engrossed in my book. I was reading The Giver, by Lois Lowry. It was pretty good so far, even though I was about six chapters in.


        I was so into it that I didn’t know someone was behind me until I felt there hands on my mouth. I jumped into the air and fell out of my chair with a loud ‘THUD’. Gabriel was standing behind the chair laughing at me. I kicked the chair and it hit him in the shins. “Asshole” I mumbled getting up. He walked around the chair and sat in the one across from me. “So what are you reading?” He asked me. He was leaning onto the table with his chin resting on his knuckles and his elbows on the table. It was kinda cute and I mimicked him. “I was reading The Giver” I said to him. “That’s nice” He said sitting up he got up and came over to me. He picked me up and placed me on his lap. “Why don’t you read some to me” He suggested. He pulled out a candy bar. “I don’t know, I’m not that great at reading aloud” I said. My face was hot and red, or at least I was figuring it was red. “That’s fine, it’s just me” He said. He kissed me. “Fine” I laughed.

        I read about a chapter before the bell rang for lunch. I got off his lap and put my book in my bag and me and him left together for lunch. I had my normal a chicken pattie and fries. We sat with the Winchesters and Cas again and Charlie also came over. “So, hunting class today” Dean said. “I wonder what John will be having us do today” I thought aloud. “He will probably have us kill someone” Said said solemnly. “Come on Sammy, dad isn’t going to have anyone kill anyone” Dean said. “I don’t know Dean, you know dad best, you know he would” Sam said. I tell by Dean’s eyes that he did. We finished eating and the bell rang so we headed off to our next block.

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