Chapter 6

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        I fortunately found my way to my next class without anyones help. I walked in and the teacher was standing at the front of the class. He had brown hair flipped to one side, and he was wearing a red bowtie and a fez. It was The Doctor on his eleventh regeneration. I took a seat at the back of the class. I had a feeling this was going to be a long class. I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t like people. I was hoping that someone from Doctor Who that I liked would be in this class with me. The class started to fill up until the only free spot was the one next to me.


        One last person came in and sat next to me. He had brown sort of spiky hair, and he was hearing a dark blue trench coat. It was Captain Jack Harkness. This was going to be a VERY long class. “Hey, I’m Jack Harkness” He said to me holding out his hand. “Hannah Maille” I said to him shaking it. “So this your first year in the school?” Jack asked me. “Yeah it is” I told him. “How do you like your first day?” he asked me. “Well it’s been rather interesting, and wet” I said. “Pranking?” he asked me. I nodded. “Who and What?” Jack asked me. “Dean Winchester and a water balloon” I told him. “Hello class, I’m The Doctor! So I’m sure in most of your classes they have been kicking students out, WE WON’T BE HAVING ANY OF THAT!” The Doctor said nearly yelling. “So now who is ready to go on a fly in my TARDIS?” The Doctor asked, everyone raised their hands.


        We followed The Doctor out of the room and into a spare closet. In the closet was the TARDIS. It looked exactly like it did in the shows. He walked over and opened it up. We all stepped into the Tardis. “Okay, so for our first trip we will be going to the moon, I have suits for you in the spare room.” The Doctor said. He started running around and hitting buttons “Geronimo!” He shouted as we took off, flying through space and time.


        There was a slight bump as we landed. “Okay everyone, space suit on!” The Doctor said. I put mine on, with the help of Jack because this was my first time putting it on. “Ready?” He asked “I guess” I said. I had always dreamed about flying in the TARDIS, and I had written some Doctor Who fanfiction, but it was amazing to actually be in the TARDIS and on the moon. The Doctor opened the door and we all walked out. “Now who knows what year it was when we first landed on the moon and why?” The Doctor asked. My hand shot up. “The girl over there” he said pointing over at me. “The moon landing was in nineteen sixty nine and it was because the silence put the idea into mankind's mind, although they didn’t know that because the minute you look away from a silence you forget” I said. The Doctor seemed impressed. “Very good, what is your name?” The Doctor asked me. “My name is Hannah Maille” I told him. “Well you are one intelligent person Hannah” The Doctor said grinning.


        I could feel my face growing hot. “How did you know that?” Jack asked me. “I watch the Doctor Who. “Now like Hannah said, the Silence put that idea into your heads, thanks to me though there is now a revolution on earth and mankind is fighting back. The Silence though isn’t a creature, it’s an organization. It’s all there to stop the big question from being answered, ‘Doctor Who?’” The Doctor said. “Did you know that there is only one other person that knows his true name other than himself” I said to Jack. “Now I do” He said.


        We walked around the moon for a bit longer with The Doctor ranting on about the future and how humans end up at every point in the universe. Even the end of it, although that didn’t end up lasting that long. After a good hour of walking and talking he brought us back into the TARDIS. “When we get back I want a full report on my desk about everything we just talked about, but try and stay on the topic of the moon, and the first landing, and the silence, if you know more than what I said, please feel free to put it in, extra credit to the person with the best one, and you are working with the person who you sat with on this project” The Doctor said.


        We landed back in the closet and we walked back to the class. I sat down next to Jack. “So we need to write a paper” Jack said. I sighed, I knew what he was hinting towards. I write the whole thing and he gets all the credit. “Look Harkness, I am not going to do all the work, I had to deal with this through high school, I am not doing it in college to, you better be coming up with ideas too” I said to him. “Damn girl, you're hot when you’re mad” He said to me. That shocked me. “Just work” I said to him, trying not to sound shocked. I pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil. “So what do you know about it?” Jack asked me. “Well, I remember that it was while Nixon was president” I said to him. “Good start” He said writing it down. “Well I don’t know, the moon wasn’t my favorite topic in school” I said to him. “Yeah but you said you watched Doctor Who” Jack said. “Yeah but that episode wasn’t all about that! It was about the silence and it just happened to be when they were going to the moon for the first time when The Doctor started the revolution” I said to him. “Okay good, the silence revolution started that day” Jack said writing it down. “Let’s just write this stupid thing already” I said to him pulling out my own piece of paper.

        I started writing, Jack threw in some ideas here and there, so I was able to give him credit. It did end up taking us all class but in the end we had a full piece of paper, front and back, all on the trip to the moon. With facts about the silence, who they were and why they wanted us to go to the moon, things like that. I placed it on The Doctor’s desk. “I’m expecting big things from you Hannah” The Doctor said to me. “Thank you” I said to him and I left. “What do you have next?” Jack asked me. I pulled out my schedule to check. “Free Period” I told him. “Okay cool, I’ll see you later then” Jack said and he left.

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