Chapter 23

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I fell asleep a bit late that night. And once I had fallen asleep I had a very strange and horrible dream. It was one of those ones that you just don’t want to think about. One that wakes you up screaming and crying, glad that it wasn’t real.



Gabriel walked through the dark halls alone. There was absolutely no one else in the halls, except for the strange man following him. He was unrecognizable under the mask he had on. Gabriel wasn’t aware of the man following him. The floor, being old and wooden in the halls, creaked under the weight of the follower, causing Gabriel to finally realize that he wasn’t in fact alone. He turned to face the person following him. “So, which one are you?” Gabriel asked. “You know who I am brother” The masked man said. “Aw come on, it’s no fun, just take off the mask, I mean you are going to kill me anyways, I might as well know who is killing me” Gabriel said to him. Reluctantly the masked man unmasked himself. “Ah, well, I have to say, I’m not really surprised that it is you, I mean your boss didn’t do a great job hiding that fact” Gabriel said to him. “Well then, you shouldn’t be surprised by this then” The man said. He lunged forward, but Gabriel side stepped and the attacker stumbled past, but he had clearly been expecting that and turned quickly, stabbing Gabriel in the back. Gabriel fell forward onto the ground.

*End of Dream*


I woke screaming, and woke up Sam, Dean, and Cas. “What the hell was that?” Dean asked grumbling, he clearly didn’t like being woken up in the middle of the night. “Sorry, I just had a bad dream” I said to them. “What happened in the dream?” Cas asked. “Why?” I asked him. “I just want to know” Cas told me. “Well, and don’t laugh, in my dream Gabriel was walking down the hall. There was no one else in the hall except for the masked person, and Gabriel didn’t realize he was there, until the floor creaked and Gabriel turned around and saw him there. The man ended up taking off the mask, revealing himself to Gabriel. It was Gadreel. He attacked Gabriel. Gabriel tried to defend himself, but somehow he wasn’t able to and…” My voice cracked. “And Gadreel stabbed him in the back” I managed to finish. “It’s just as I thought” Cas said. “What is?” I asked. “Hannah, humans don’t generally get into the religion class, it’s only if the can read the word of god, and only a prophet can read it” Cas said. “Are you saying I'm a, a prophet, and that my dream is actually going to happen?” I asked him. “I’m sorry Hannah, but yes, your dream will most likely happen” Cas told me.


I was shocked beyond belief. “I need to warn him, I need to stop this some how. This, it… it can’t happen, I won’t let it happen. I can’t” I jumped out of my bed. “Hannah, you of all people should know there is nothing you can do” I was silent as a single tear rolled down my cheek. “I don’t want him to die” I said quietly. By now Sam and Dean had fallen back to sleep. “I know Hannah, but there is nothing we can do”. “We can tell him, so he at least knows what will happen to him”. “Okay, we can do that” Cas said nodding.


I followed Cas out of our dorm and down the hall to Gabriel’s room. Cas was the one who knocked on the door. It was answered by Michael, of course. “Castiel, what do you want?” Michael asked him. “We need to speak to Gabriel” Cas motioned toward me. “One moment” Michael said and he disappeared back into his room. Gabriel appeared a few minutes later. He walked into the hall and closed the door behind him. “What’s wrong Cas?” Gabriel asked me. “We may have a slight problem, Hannah tell Gabriel your dream” Cas said to me.


I obeyed, although it felt really strange. He listen intently through the whole thing until I was done. “What about it, it’s just a dream” Gabriel said, shrugging it away. He went to walk back into his room but Cas spoke before he could enter. “I think Hannah may be a prophet” Gabriel stopped short. “Oh, that would be a slight problem” He said turning back around. “What makes you think that though?” Gabriel asked his brother. “When has there ever been a human in the religion class, it just doesn’t happen, unless they can read the word of god, and that is only a prophet that can” Cas said. “Okay, but how do we know this dream will actually happen. It might not” Gabriel insisted. “Gabriel, when has that ever happened?” Cas asked him.


To say he was pissed would be a complete understatement. Gabriel kicked the wall. “Ow, dammit!” He said rather loud, and the he punched the wall. “Fuck!” He said shaking his hand. “Gabriel, I’m so sorry” I said. My eyes were glistening with tears. “Hannah, this isn’t your fault” Gabriel pulled me into his arms and held me as I cried. “I don’t want you to leave me” I told him. “And I don’t want to leave you” He whispered to me and kissed the top of my head. “Wait a minute” Gabriel said holding me at arms length. He looked into my eyes. “You said it was Gadreel who kills me right?” Gabriel asked me and I nodded. “So that means that he killed Samandriel” Gabriel said. “I guess, but we don’t have any solid proof” I said. “Yes we do” Cas answered. “You are a prophet Hannah, Tony will take your word” Gabriel told me. “Well then what are we waiting for, lets go tell him!” I said.


I ran off but they only walked after me. “Come on!” I called. “We will be right there” Gabriel said. I sighed and stopped just past the corner to wait for them. I overheard some of their conversation. “You realize this could be sealing your fate, not preventing it, if you go on a hunch, he may want revenge” Cas said to Gabriel. “I realize that, but it makes her feel better right now, and I would rather have that than have her afraid for months, either way, we know it is still going to end in my death, or at least with me getting stabbed” Gabriel said to Cas. They walked around the corner and saw me waiting. “It’s about time. God you two are slow” I said.


We arrived at Tony’s office but it was still late at night and he wasn’t in. We spent the rest of the night waiting in front of his office. I fell asleep around one, I had my head on Gabriel’s lap and he stroked my hair until I was asleep. I was woken up around five. “Come on Hannah, it’s time to tell Tony” Gabriel said, lightly shaking me. I sat up and stretched. We went into his office. “So, what can I help you with?” Tony asked. “We think we know who Samandriel’s killer is” Gabriel told him. “Wow, that was fast” Tony said, but in a way he wasn’t surprised. “Well, we don’t exactly have any hard evidence, all we have to go on is a dream from a prophet” Castiel told him. Both of them turned to me.

I re-accounted my dream for Tony, telling him every detail. “So you think that this Gadreel is the killer, because she saw him kill again, how do you know it wasn’t just a dream?” Tony asked, skeptical. “Because I am a prophet of the lord, and part of the way we work is seeing the future, along with many other things, and I saw Gadreel kill Gabriel” I told him. “You realize that isn’t enough evidence to arrest someone on, especially not with the government the way it is. As much as I believe you, I can’t do anything, I can question him, but if he doesn’t admit to it, I can’t do anything” Tony told us. We all nodded. “Okay, why don’t you all head back to your dorms” Tony said to us, practically shooing us out of his office.

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