Chapter 27

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The next day Gabriel met me early in my room. The boys were still asleep when we started to move things. It didn't take us that long to move out few possessions. But we had also been looking at furniture, the house came with next to nothing. We had already picked out a couple things and we moved them into the house. Went throught the whole house, looking in each room until we found the right one, the one that we would use for the babies bedroom. "I think she will love it" Gabriel said putting his arm around my shoulder. "Gabe, we still don't know if it is a boy or a girl" I told him. "So, this baby is a she until I see otherwise" Gabriel said. I laughed and he started laughing too. "We should probably bring the things we have in here, just we don't have to set it up yet" I told him. "That works for me" Gabriel said. The two of us carried the up a few thing into the babies room. "Hey Gabriel, I have an ultrasound later today, to check on the baby, just so you know, you can come if you want, I'll probably see what the baby is then" I said to him. "I'll definitely be there" Gabriel said. He walked over and kissed me. "Thanks" I said smiling. "Now let's go get some lunch, I'm starving" I said.


We left and bet up with the others at our table. "How did the moving go?" Sam asked us. "It went well. We are completely moved into the house already" I said. "Well that was fast" Dean said. "Well we didn't exactly have much" I said. "Good point" Dean said as he took a bite of his burger. We finished eating and we went to the boys dorm for a bit. "So, you boys going to miss rooming with me?" I asked them grinning. "You wish Maille" Dean said using my last name like he used to. "Yeah, and you wish I was still here Winchester" I said to him. He chuckled. "God, the beginning of the year was so simple" Dean said. "Yeah, that all fell apart around Halloween, now we Christmas soon, of course we missed Thanksgiving because we were all preparing for the trial" I said. "Yeah, we could always celebrate that late" Dean suggested. "Yeah, what do you think is going to happen. "We invite you over and me and Charlie spend the whole day cooking while you four sit around the whole day drinking beer and watching movies, no thank you" I said to him. "He you never know, it could be fun" Dean said. "News flash Winchester, I can't cook" I said. "Well looks like I'm screwed" Gabriel said next to me. "Hey if you want food you can always go to the cafe, I'm not going to cook for you twenty four seven, I'm going to have a baby to tend to in a few months"I told him. "Yeah, but there food sucks" Gabriel said. "And my food burns harder than a rock" I said to him. "Okay, I'll eat the food at the cafe" Gabriel said giving in. "We should probably get going" I said standing up. "Where are you going?" Charlie asked. "Ultrasound, and yes I'll let you know the results" I told her. She was grinning from ear to ear. "See you in an hour or so" I said and me and Gabriel left.


We walked into the small medical center and Martha was waiting there. "Hey, I was wondering when you would show up" Martha sai. "Sorry long walk" I said, giving her a half smile. Okay well you can lay on the table and we can begin" Marth instructed and I did as she told me. She pulled up my shirt and used a stethoscope to listen for the babies heart beat. I looked over at Gabriel who was sitting next to me. He took my hand and kissed it. Martha moved on to the ultrasound thing, or what ever to see it. I heard her sigh. "I'm so sorry guys" Martha said. "What? What is it?" I asked her. "Hannah, the baby isn't alive" Martha told me. My breath caught in my throat. I could feel Gabriel's grip on my hand tighten as he realized what she was saying. "Are you saying... That the baby is... Is dead?" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm sorry Hannah" she added. I sat up and Gabriel pulled me into a hug. I cried for a bit. I was just beginning to accept it. "What was it going to be?" Gabriel asked Martha. "A girl" Martha said. Hearing that made it worse. "I really am sorry" Martha said to us. "It's fine, we won't keep you any longer" Gabriel said.


He lifted me off the bed and helped me to steady myself on my feet. We walked out and down the hall a little ways before we stopped. We sat down against the walls and Gabriel just held me while I cried. Hours may have passed and I wouldn't have known. "I think we should name her" Gabriel said suddenly. "W-what?" I asked confused. "We should name her, she shouldn't die without a name" Gabriel told me. "W-What do y-you want to name h-her?" I asked him. "I don't know, you said you like either Lily or Mary, right?" Gabriel asked me. I nodded. "How about Mary" Gabriel suggested. "I like that" I told him. "Then Mary it is" Gabriel said.

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