Chapter 5

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        I walked with Gabriel to the Prank room. Cas had left us when we left the Religion room. “I still can’t believe that you two won that” Gabriel said. “Who usually wins?” I asked. “It’s always different every year” He told me. “Okay” I said. As we walked I thought about some pranks that I could use against the Dean. When we got to the room everyone was still outside and the door was locked. We found Sam and Dean and we walked over to them. “Hey Winchester, hey Sam” I said to the boys. “Hey Maille” Dean said to me. “Hey Hannah” Sam said. “How was your free time?” I asked them. “Spent the whole time thinking of ways to prank you in this class” Dean said. “Well I was to busy succeeding in my class, but it shouldn’t be that hard to think of something for you.” I said to Dean. He glared at me.


        There was a loud bang as the door flew open. Everyone looked around before someone entered. I walked in with the boys and we were in a huge arena. There were boxes everywhere. Standing in the middle was a man. He had blonde hair, a grey v-neck shirt, a black jacket, and dark pants. It was Balthazar. “Well this is going to be fun” I said aloud. “Hello class, I am your teacher Balthazar, now I want you each to break up into groups of four or five” Balthazar said. Gabriel grabbed my hand, “One” He said to me. He looked around for anyone he could find. When he saw someone he pulled me over to them. “Two” Gabriel said when we got over there.


        The guy he had brought me over to had blonde hair, he was wearing a grey blue flannel and he had this really intimidating look about him, it was Lucifer. “Lucifer this is Hannah, Hannah this is my brother Lucifer” Gabriel said to us. “Hey” I said to him. “Hello” Lucifer said to me. “We still need one or two more people” I said. “What about the Winchesters?” Lucifer asked. “Ah, about that, me and Dean are in a prank war ourselves, that that wouldn’t work” I told him. “What about those two?” I asked pointing over at two people who were standing alone. They both had curly hair but one had brown the other had blonde. They were both wearing sort of nice clothing, and they were short. I knew right away it was Merry and Pippin. “What the heck, why not” Gabriel said.


        We walked over to them. “Hey would you like to be in our group?” I asked them. “Sure, I’m Merry and this is Pippin” Said Merry. “Hi, I’m Hannah, and this is Gabriel and Lucifer” I said to them. We stood together waiting for everyone else to get groups. “Okay I hope you like your groups because this is your groups for the rest of the week. Now this week is elimination week, each day a team will be eliminated and the remaining kids will be in this class. Now what I want you to do is find another team, and you will be pranking each other. There should be ten boxes, each group gets one box. Happy Pranking” Balthazar said and he disappeared.


        We grabbed the closest box to us. In it we found the basics. A bucket of water, some water balloons, little things and stuff. “Well good thing they don’t call me the trickster for nothing. “Hey Gabriel if I dump this bucket of water near the boys will you freeze it?” I asked him. “Yeah” He said grinning. I picket up the bucket and I tossed the water out. It slid across the ground and froze. The boys slipped across it and they fell on there butts. Along with two red headed twin brothers, who I knew as Fred and George Weasley, and a thin guy with long black hair, which was Loki. “Damn they have a trickster of their own” I said to my group. “What do you mean?” Pippin asked. “See the guy with the long black hair, that is Loki…” “He is the norse god of mischief and lies” Gabriel finished. “Yeah exactly, he is really hard to trick” I said to them. We decided to circle up and think of something, when we started getting pelted with water balloons. We grabbed our box and ran off.


        “Okay anyone got anything?” I asked once we were a safe distance from the boys. “Fireworks?” Pippin suggested. “That’s brilliant Pip, Gabriel, can you make those?” I asked him. “Please, make it hard for me” He said. He snapped his fingers and fire crackers started going off near their feet. “Dance for me boys” I called over to them waving. “What else do we got?” I asked the group. “Well I can make practically anything I want” Gabriel said. “Okay who was any ideas to do to the boys?” I asked. I heard a hissing sound and I smelt flowers. The boys had decided to throw a air freshener grenade at us. So I kicked it back at them. “Idgits” I mumbled under my breath. I looked through the box again. There wasn’t much in there. I pulled out a frisbee and tossed it aside. I continued to look through it. I pulled out a can of air freshener and some duct tape. I got an idea then.


        I grabbed the frisbee that I had just thrown aside. I flipped it over and places the air freshener on top of it. I duct taped the can on and grabbed a zip tie.”Gabriel when I tell you make some water balloons fall on them” I said to him “Got it” He said grinning. I zip tied the can so it sprayed and I threw the frisbee and them. It flew through the air and nearly hit Dean in the face. While they were distracted by the frisbee I gave Gabriel the signal and thousands upon thousands of water balloons fell on top of the boys.


        They tried to run but they couldn’t get away from Gabriel’s constant onslaught of water balloons, so they improvised. They started to shoot stuff at us with the slingshot that was in there. The first one they hit was Gabriel, and right between the eyes. They we all started to get shot. I tossed everyone one and we started to shoot back at them, although it wasn’t easy when you were being shot at yourself. “Gabriel nac you freeze that water from the water Balloons?” I called over to him. “Yeah” He said and one by one the boys fell over. We started to shoot right at them now and they ran out of our range.

        We sat around trying to think of more Ideas when we heard a whistle. “Okay class I know which group is getting kicked out today” Balthazar said. “Group seven, you are out” Balthazar said. There were a bunch of grumbles and groans from a group near by as they left the room. “Okay all of you off to your third block” Balthazar said right as the bell rang. As we were walking out Dean smashed a water balloon over my head, soaking me. “Great, thanks Winchester” I called to him. “No problem Maille” He called back.

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