Chapter 15

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I don’t know when it happened but I woke up on a bed. I wasn’t in any room I was familiar with. The room looked like an old shack. So I assumed we were in one of the houses on the ocean. I sat up and looked around. In the corner was a man sitting there. He had his head in his hands. The bed squeaked as I sat up and he looked up. It was hard to see who it was, but I still knew.


It was Gabriel sitting there. “What do you want?” I asked him, trying to sound like I despised him, but my voice cracked. “I wanted to say sorry Hannah. I don’t like the fact that I hurt you, and I know I did. I wanted to know if we could maybe try being friends again” Gabriel said. “Well, I mean, it’s not like you didn’t pick the creepiest of situations right now” I told him. “I found you sleeping on the beach. This is me and my brothers house during the summer so I figured I would take you here to sleep. It was the least I could do after I hurt you like I did” He said to me. I sighed. “Sorry, but I just can't, not when I get hurt by someone who I thought loved me. I have low trust but that breaks it” I told him. He nodded. “What time is it?” I asked. “It’s about seven in the morning” He told me. “Shit, I’m going to be late, dammit” I said jumping up. “It’s only breakfast right now, so you're fine” He said.


I didn't listen to him though and I ran from the shack back to my dorm changed quickly grabbed my bag, which someone had brought in from outside the room, and ran down to breakfast. There wasn't much left when I got there, so all I had was some fruit. I sat on the end next to Charlie. "Hey Hannah, where were you yesterday?" Sam asked. The boys apparently hadn't heard the commotion outside the door. Cas clearly knew though. He was probably mad at me for what happened, even though it was my fault. "Ah, yeah, I spent the night with Charlie again" I said. I gave her a look like, please back me up on this. "Yeah, we just wanted to hang out a bit more" she said smiling. "Okay" Sam said. Dean didn't seem satisfied. "How come Charlie got here before you?" Dean asked. "I slept late and had to go back to the dorm to get my clothes because I had neglected to grab some. I told her not to wait for me" I told him as the bell rang.


I was extremely happy for the fact that Thursday's I had Norse Mythology, NOT religion. I walked in and took a seat next to Loki. "Hey" I said as I slid into the seat next to him. "Hi?" He said, a little confused as to why I was sitting next to him. The class started before he could ask though and we spent the entire time learning about how Odin had created the earth. When the bell rang me and Loki walked together to Pranking class, since we had it together. When class started we got into our groups and spent the entire class Pranking again. Group 4 got kicked out today. Which was neither mine nor Sam and Deans.after that I went to Zombie survival and we learned how zombies worked. When I went to free period though I spent the entire time trying to avoid any place Gabriel may be, which sadly included the library. I found a small closet though so I made camp there for the period and read in there. I was very close to finishing my book by the time the bell rang.


I went to lunch and once again sat on the edge next to Charlie. Gabriel sat silently on the other side of her. Cas was across from, Sam next to him and Dean next to him. "So hunting next" Dean said, trying to relieve some of the tension at the table, which was certainly due to me and Gabriel, and quite possible Cas if he was mad at me for "hurting" his brother. "Yeah I wonder what he will have us tackle today" I said. "Hello class, sorry to interrupt your lunch period, but I would just like to announce that there will be another dance this Friday" said the intercom. Everyone in the room cheered. I could literally feel my heart drop in my chest. "Well I'm assuming you two will be going together, or are we expecting you two to be getting a room sometime soon?" Dean asked. "Actually I don't think I'm going to be going, I have stuff I need to do" I said. "Yeah, same with me" Gabriel said. "Okay, no need to bring back the tension" Dean said.

The bell rang again so me, Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Cas headed into hunting. "Hey are you and Gabriel in a fight right now?" Sam asked, a bit blunt. "Ah, yeah, more or less, we aren't together anymore. Something happened and, I don't really want to talk about it right now" I told them. They nodded. We arrived and this time we sent the class learning about the different classes of demons. R.E.Ds, which are red eyes demons, or crossroads demon, B.E.Ds, the common black eyed demon, and Y.E.D, the yellow eyed demon, certainly a very powerful one. And then there were the big bosses, like Lilith and Alistair, who rolled their eyes back so it was completely white, those ones grossed me out beyond comprehension. When that was over I had archery. And after that I just sort of wandered the halls, delaying going back to my dorm. I went back to my closet instead. I left for dinner and after dinner I went back to my dorm to sleep. I got in bed. No one said a word to me. I pulled out my phone to message my friends. 'Hey guys, sorry I didn't message last night, some shit went down yesterday, and well let's just say it wasn't my best day ever, in fact I would probably rate it worst day ever' I sent. 'What happened!?' Elizabeth sent. 'I don't really want to talk about it. But the result of it, I'm now single' I explained. 'If he hurt you in any way!' Megan sent. 'It's sort of my fault, and his, but we aren't together anymore and I don't want to talk about it' I told them then added 'I'm going to head to bed, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow'. I turned off my phone and laid in bed for hours trying to fall asleep. It was nearly midnight when I finally did fall asleep.

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