Chapter 32

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The first battle was in the late days of January. I wasn’t present for the fight, but I helped with wounded. They were minor wounds and no one died, on our side at least. About five of Metatrons people died. The second battle was in February. I didn’t fight in that one either and I helped with wounded again. We lost Fred in that battle, and if anything, George has only become more determined to kill them. Then there was the battle of March seventeenth.


I ran through the halls of the school. I was being followed by two of Metatrons people. As I ran past the cafeteria Gabriel and Jack jumped out and stabbed them. “Thanks” I huffed, out of breath. I sucked at running and it sucks even more when you are eight months pregnant. “No problem” Gabriel said. “So, any info?” Jack asked. “I couldn’t get much, they found me before anything interesting was said. All I got is that they are planning an attack for today. I don’t know when or how or where, I just know it is today” I told them. “That’s fine, come on sweet” Gabriel said.


Gabriel put his arm around my waist and we walked into the Cafe with Jack following us. “Did you hear anything?” Tony asked as we walked over. “All I know is that they are planning an attack for today, I don’t know anything else. I just barely got out of there as it was” I told him. “That’s fine. Dean start making preparations for battle, make sure everyone has blades” Tony said turning to the Winchester left, then turning to the Winchester on his right he said, “Sam, put guards at all entrances, we need to keep this place secure”. “Yes sir” Sam said and he ran off. “Grace good job, I don’t think we will need you today” Tony said. “I figured, you never do” I mumbled under my breath and walked off. I felt a slight twinge inside me. It had happened earlier and that was how they had found me since it had startled me the first time.


Suddenly as I was walking I felt really dizzy. I leaned against one of the tables for support. “Grace are you okay?” Pippin asked noticing me. “Yeah, I’m fine Pip” I said with a smile. But with a stabbing pain in my stomach I collapsed on the ground. I could hear everything that was going on around me because I was still awake, but I was unable to do anything. “Oh my god! Someone help” Pippin called. I could feel his tiny hands lift my head. “Oh my god! Grace, hey I’m here” Gabriel said. I could hear all the worry in his voice. “They are coming!” Someone shouted. “Gabriel help me lift her onto that table” Doctor Watson instructed to him.


Gabriel did as he was told and I felt my body being lifted off the cold, hard floor. I could feel Doctor Watson placing a stethoscope on my heart and then onto my stomach. "She needs to be brought up to the medical rooms" Doctor Watson said. "We can't get out. They have blocked off all entrances. They are just standing there" Charlie called to him. "If we don't get her there soon she will die" I heard him say. I managed to get out a groan, and even that was barely audible. "Hey sweet, don't worry. We are going to get you out of here. You aren't going to die, I promise" he said, I could practically hear the sobs he was holding back. He was worried I wasn't going to make it, which only made me more determined to make it.


I could feel the stethoscope on my stomach again. "I can't be certain without my medical tools, but I believe she may be going into labor, but with the lack of nutrition she has gotten her body isn't strong enough to take the pain. Her systems may possibly be shutting down, and she may die. But, like I said, I can't be certain without my tools" he said to Gabriel. "She won't die. She will fight this, for us, for our daughter" Gabriel said, taking my hand which lay open next to me.


There was the sound of foot steps and the squealing as they came to a halt. "How is she?" I heard Tony's voice ask. "Not good, if we don't get her out of here and to a medical center she won't make it through this" Doctor Watson responded. "We may have a plan for that. The door to the seats outside only have a few men. The only problem is, is that it is all glass windows so they can see right in. We are going to plan an attack on each door, except we are only going to attack the one door. We won't have much time though before they realize what we did" Tony told him. "Okay, as long as I can get her there, I don't care how" Doctor Watson told him. "Good" Tony said and I could hear him walk away.


I gave another groan, this one louder than the first. "Grace, hey, you there" Gabriel said, hearing my groan. I groaned again in response since it was all I could do. "Hey sweet, don't worry, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you, not ever again. We promised a long time ago, we wouldn't leave each other again. I remember it, so don't break your promises Grace, it's not very becoming of you" Gabriel said. I wanted to say something but all that came out again was a grunt, but in my head I was saying. 'I'm never going to break that promise Gabriel. Me and you forever and always', but like I said that wasn't what came out.


I felt myself being lifted again and placed onto one of the stretchers we had brought down. I could feel it being rolled around and it hit the door as we left. I heard shouts, screams, yells, and thumps. I felt it hit another door and there were people calling around me. “There are more up ahead” Someone shouted. “I got it” I heard another person call. There were more shouts and calls and thumps, and then someone shouted, “Clear” and we were moving again. I could feel Gabriels hand in mine the whole way there.


We eventually made it there, but I don’t know at what cost. I felt needles and and instruments and things being stuck to my body. “So, I was only half wrong” Doctor Watson said to Gabriel. “What do you mean?” Gabriel asked him. “She is going into labor, but it is her body’s way of trying to save her baby. She has some sort of poison in her system. I’m not familiar with it though” Doctor Watson told him. “Let me look at it” An unfamiliar voice said. “It’s called Curare. I only know of one person who uses Curare. I have a cure for it, but I’m going to need to get to my office” The man said. “I’ll go with you” Gabriel said.

He gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be back sweet” He said and I felt his hand slip out of mine. A few silent minutes passed. “Okay Grace, I know you are weak right now, but you need to push, if you want to save this child” I heard Doctor Watson say. I don’t know what rose up in me, I don’t even know how I managed it, but I pushed, and I pushed, and I pushed. I couldn’t move, and I don’t know how I had the strength to push. Suddenly there was a crying sound and I knew to stop pushing. The room went silent for a few more minutes and I heard the doors slam open. “Where did Doctor Watson go?” I heard Gabriel ask. “Gabriel go find him, I need to get this to her now” The man said. I felt a cool, horribly tasting, liquid enter my mouth and slide down my throat. That was when I finally slid into unconsciousness.

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