Chapter 26

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I woke up early on the morning of the trial and got ready. We were all going to attend but me and Gabriel were to be witnesses as to get Gadreel in prison for nearly killing Gabriel. People who were going were ferried across the ocean to land that was just passed the horizon line if you stood at the beach. When we arrived they led us into the court house and we began. "The first witness I would like to call up is Gabriel" the man said. Gabriel stood up and walked over to the stand. He said the oath to say the truth and nothing but the truth and he sat down. "Gabriel, you were attacked by Gadreel right?" The man asked him. "Yes sir" Gabriel said. "And how to you actually know it was him?" He asked. "I didn't at first, he had a mask on but when I asked him to take it off he did, and it revealed Gadreel" Gabriel said. "And why do you think he attacked you?" The man asked "I don't know, but I think insanity makes us do crazy things sometimes, things we wouldn't normally do" Gabriel answered.


He asked Gabriel a few more questions and then when he was done the defense asked some questions and when that was done he took a seat next to me. "So how did I do?" Gabriel asked sitting down next to me. "You did fine" I told him. The next name was called and the doctor that had treated Gabriel got up. He said the same oath as Gabriel and sat down. "So you were the doctor that treated Gabriel after the fact, am I correct?" The man asked him. "Yes you are" the Doctor said. "And is it true that Gabriel wasn't actually supposed to make it?" The man asked. I knew I was screwed at this point. "Yes, the wound, although it was an instant kill, was one that would cause a slow, painful death, we had him on medication so he wouldn't feel pain, but we couldn't do anything to save him, as much as we tried" the doctor said. "Yet he is in the crowd right now, heck he was even just at the stand" the man said. "I know, it's some sort of miracle that he lived" the doctor said. I could feel Gabriel staring at me. "Okay thank you, I'm done here" the man said. The doctor got down and walked out.


"I would now like to call up Hannah Maille" the man said. I silently stood up and walked over to the stand. I said the same oath the others said and sat down. "Hannah, you are a freshman in the tumblr fandom college, correct?" The man asked me. "Yes" I answered quickly and quietly. "And Gabriel is you boyfriend, am I right?" The man asked. "Fiancé" I said holding up my left hand. "Congratulations, now before this incident happened you went to you principal claiming to have had a dream of him getting stabbed, correct?" "Yes it is, I had that dream and one of my friends told me it was because I was a prophet” “So you would be able to read this?” The man asked as he handed me one of the tablets. “Yes, this is the demon tablet, it tells everything you need to know about demons, how to kill them, how to lock them in hell, pretty much everything you need to know is on this stone” I said. he took it from me and placed it in front of the judge. “You honor, could you please try and read this” He said to the judge, who looked at it. “It just looks like a bunch of jibberish to me” The judge said. “Thank you Hannah, you can take a seat now” The man said to me.


I left the sand and walked back to my seat. Before I could sit Gabriel stood up and took my arm. “Can I talk to you outside?” He asked “Yeah” I said. I turned around and walked out, Gabriel following me. When we were out of the courtroom he turned me to face him. “When were you planning on telling me? Gabriel asked. “What are you talking about?” I asked him. “Hannah, in this world there is never an actual miracle. When were you planning on telling me?” He asked again. “I don’t know, when the time felt right” I admitted. “And, what, that is the right time?” He asked me, motioning toward the courtroom. “No, I didn’t want you to find out like that. I still wanted to be the one to tell you” I told him. “And when was that? When you are being chased by Hell hounds, and leaving me stuck with our child, who will probably have no clue what happened to her mother, because how can I tell her that her mother was killed by Hell hounds because she sold her soul to keep her father alive ten years previously!” Gabriel said, he was practically yelling. “No, I wasn’t going to wait that long, it was probably going to be soon” I told him. “And how soon is soon?” Gabriel asked, a lot quieter this time. “I don’t know” I admitted. “Hannah, you are around four months pregnant, we are engaged, did you not think this is something you should have told me right away?” Gabriel asked. I felt my hand move down to my stomach. I was showing a little now. “I thought you would be mad at me” I told him. “I’m mad now! You shouldn’t have waited” He told me. “I know, I’m sorry” I told him. “Why would you even do that?” He asked me. “I didn’t do it for me, I did it for the baby. She is going to need a father, and no one else would have been there for me during the whole thing. Or for her, not like you would have. I wasn’t being selfish” I told him. “I believe you, but I still think you shouldn’t have done it. And anyways you know the Winchesters would have helped. Maybe not Cas, he would probably end up killing it. And there is also Charlie, she will probably insist on helping anyways” Gabriel said. “It’s to late now, so I guess the best we can do is be happy together for the next ten years” I said “I guess so” Gabriel said. He pulled me into a hug and we re-entered the courtroom.

The Trial lasted a couple days, but in the end Gadreel was charged with attempted murder and given fifteen to twenty years. We were brought back to the island. We were approached by Tony when we got there. “I got more good news for you two” Tony said. “What is that?” Gabriel asked. “You got that house that you requested for, you can begin moving in tomorrow” Tony said. I grinned. “That’s awesome!” I said happily. We walked back to our dorms and helped the other start to pack our stuff.

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