Chapter 28

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I walked back to my house, with a new sort of happiness. When I walked in I heard a loud bang and Gabriel appeared in the door way between the hall and the kitchen. He ran up to me and pulled me into a hug. “I was so worried about you” Gabriel said in my ear. “I’m fine now” I told him. “Now?” Gabriel asked, noticing exactly what I said. “To put this the simple way, I was kidnapped by Metatron” I said. “What!? How did you escape?” He asked. “Do you seriously think I lack in the ability to protect myself?” I asked him. “No, I’m just curious. I mean it is Metatron, if you escaped he probably planned it that way” Gabriel said. “Shit, you are right, this was a test” I said aloud. “What? Now I feel like Cas” Gabriel stated. “Metatron, he said if I breath a word of anything about being kidnapped he would kill anyone I consider a friend” I told him. “Well then we have to stop him” Gabriel said. “Wait, there is one more thing I need to tell you” I said. "What is it?" He asked.


I took a deep breath before speaking. "When I was escaping I ran into Crowley, turns out Metatron had been using him for a while. We made a deal that if I helped him out he would break off my deal, but you would still be alive. So I helped him, and he kept up his side of the deal..." I faltered but Gabriel seemed to think I was done. "That's great, that means you have your soul back!" Gabriel said happily. "No entirely, I had it back, but I used it to bring the baby back" I told him. I could tell he was disappointed in me, but at the same time I could see the happiness at the fact that he was going to have that daughter he always wanted. "Hannah you really shouldn't have..." "I did it for you" I told him, interrupting him mid sentence. "Why for me?" He asked. "I could see how sad you really were. And although you were being strong for me I could see it in your eyes, and the way you held yourself. So I asked Crowley to bring the baby back, and yeah, maybe she cost me my soul, but if I had to do it again, I wouldn't hesitate" I told him. "Hannah... Sweet, you can't keep throwing your soul away like that. I would rather live with you your entire life then ten short years and be left without you for the rest of it" Gabriel said. "Gabriel I was just doing what felt right to me. I want this girl. And I don't care about the price, I was gonna die anyways okay. Now I get the two people I love in my life for the rest of my short life" I said to him. "And also I don't think Mary is the right name for her" I said grinning at him. "Well than what is?" Gabriel asked. "I don't know, I guess we will have to wait another few months" I told him. "Okay, I guess I can wait" Gabriel said. He was grinning now to, the past conversation long forgotten. "We better warn the others" I said grabbing his hand. "Yeah, come on" Gabriel said.


We left our house and we went up to my old dorm, which had been my dorm only a day ago. Sam, Dean, and Cas were there. "Thank god you guys are here" I said, a little out of breath from the run it took to get there. I had been running a lot this morning. "Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Dean asked. Cas seemed to notice that setting was wrong though and asked, "what's wrong?". "Well, last night I got kidnapped by Metatron..." I said and told them what happened in full detail. "I hadn't realized though at the time that he had been planning for the whole thing to happen that way, so I accidentally told Gabriel what happened, like I'm telling you now, and so I am warning you. We may have a war on our hands" I told them. "Metatron would be hoping for that" Cas said. "I hope not" I said glancing down at the all bulge. "Hannah, we need to know anyone you consider a friend, anyone at all. If they are going to survive this they need to be warned" Dean said. Sam grabbed a paper and pen and handed them to me. "It helps to write it down" he said as I took them. "Thank you Sam" I said with a smile.


I sat down at my old desk and wrote down a list of my friends. They were; Sam, Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Charlie, Kevin, Loki, Tony, Merry, Pippin, Jack, River, Rory, Amy, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Fred, George, Harry, Luna, Hermione, Ron, and Neville. "I think that is all" I told them and handed it back to Sam, who read my list aloud so everyone could hear it. "Okay, I don't know most of these people, how the hell are we going to warn them?" Dean asked. "We could make an announcement" Sam suggested. "But how likely is Tony to believe us?" I asked him. "He will have to, he is on your list" Gabriel said. "It's a plan and I say we try it" Dean said.


We left and went to Tony's office in the school. Fortunately for us he was still in his office. "Shouldn't you kids be in class?" Tony asked us when we entered. "We have a problem sir" Sam said to him. I told Tony the same story I had told the others, the only detail I left out, like I did with the boys, was Crowley. "So you want me to believe that Metatron, who is a very good student here, kidnapped you, and is now planning to kill anyone who you consider a friend" Tony said. We all nodded. "This is crazy, who would start a war at a school?" Tony asked us. "Metatron" Cas said. "Well I find this a crazy idea" Tony said. "You may want to believe us" Dean said. "And why is that?" Tony asked him. "You are on the possibility list" I said to him. "Possibility list?" He repeated confused. "The list of anyone who may be killed by Metatron due to friendliness with me" I told. "Look, even if this happens, there is nothing I can do about it” Tony said. “You can use the intercom to call the people on this list down” I said, handing it to him. “None of these people are going to believe you” Tony said.


I was starting to get really frustrated at that point. Why was it no one ever listened to me. “Ask Crowley” I said suddenly. “What?” Tony asked. “Ask Crowley” I said again. “Why would I ask him?” He asked me. “Because I helped him escape” I told Tony. “You didn’t mentioned that in the story” Tony said. “Yeah, he didn’t want me to, so I didn’t” I lied. “Look if you don’t believe ask Crowley anything you want to know about Metatron. But if you have any, ANY, thoughts that I am telling the truth then make the call”. Tony gave a deep sigh and pulled the phone off the wall. “Hello school. Can I please have Charlie, Kevin, Loki,  Merry, Pippin, Jack, River, Rory, Amy, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Fred, George, Harry, Luna, Hermione, Ron, and Neville to my office please. Sorry for the interruptions” Tony said and he hung up the phone. I gave a sigh of relief at that point.

The group of them all walked in. Slightly confused as to what was going on right then. It was a strange mix of fandoms. “Okay, so Hannah needs to speak to you all” Tony said, pawning it off on me. Of course he would do that. “Um, well, to be a bit blunt, you are all in danger” I said. There were murmurs of confusion. “Metatron,  for reasons unknown, has decided to try and kill anyone who is a friend, or possibly a friend, of mine. I wanted to warn you so that you wouldn’t be caught off guard when someone tried to kill you” I told them. “Why wouldn’t Metatron just kill you?” Loki asked, it would be Loki to ask that. “Well I honestly have no clue. I would say ask him but he would probably lie and then kill you, so I wouldn’t risk it. So when you guys are walking around now, keep some sort of protection on you, and try not to get killed” I said and waved them out. They left, as did we, and we went to the class we had then. Mine was religion class, which I had with angels, so I would have to be careful in that class now.

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