Chapter 24

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When we arrived back at mine and Cas’s dorm to get changed before breakfast. “Where have you guys been?” Dean asked when we entered, since him and Sam were already awake. “We were talking to Tony, we already know who killed Samandriel” I told them as I grabbed my clothes. “Who is it? And how do you already know?” Dean asked. “Hannah is a prophet, she saw in her dream last night Gadreel killing Gabriel” Cas told them. “And so you think Gadreel killed Samandriel” Sam said. “Yes, Because Hannah is a prophet and what she sees is true” Cas said. “Yeah, but how is that any proof that he is going to kill Samandriel, we just know he is eventually going to kill Gabriel, and that could be twenty years from now” Dean said. “Dean if it was twenty years from now, he would be getting killed right in that hallway” I said to him. “Touche, but still, how do we know it will happen now?” Dean said. “Because usually the dream they have, it happens the next day” Gabriel said as he leaned up against the door frame. The room was silent. “It can’t happen today, I don’t want it to” I said quietly. “Hannah you have no control over what happens and what doesn’t happen” Cas said to me. “Do you think I fucking care! I can’t not try!” I shouted at him.


The room was silent so I went in and changed into my clothes. I walked out and went over to my bed to wait for the boys to get changed. I lay there staring up at the ceiling, just waiting. When they were done we all headed down to breakfast. We were all silent, all of us knowing how this day would eventually end. Charlie joined us at breakfast, but she didn’t know what was wrong yet, so we had to tell her, she fell silent too. When we were done eating we went to our dorm, mine, Sam, Dean, and Cas’s.


I sat on my bed with Gabriel. My head was lying on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him, not wanting to let me go, for the same reason I didn’t want to let him go. I wasn’t ready to lose him let, and he wasn’t ready to go. “I love you Hannah” Gabriel whispered to me. “I love you too” I said to him. “When I’m gone…” “Don’t please” “Hannah, let me finish. When I’m gone, I want you to continue with your life, don’t spend your whole time worrying about me. Never forget me obviously, but don’t live your life being sad and never opening up to anyone else, meet someone else, go on another date, get married, have a family, do something with what you have life, even if I can’t be the one with you” Gabriel said to me. “I-I’ll try” I said, my voice cracking. He turned me around and hugged me. He had one hand on my back and the other on the back of my head. “I’m glad I got the chance to be a part of your life, and I’m glad you were in mine” Gabriel said to me, Then he stood up giving me a kiss as he stood. “Where are you going?” I asked him. “I might as well get this over with sooner, rather than later” Gabriel said, I took his hand but his hand slid out of mine as he walked away. He walked out of the door and I ran over to it but I stopped, I knew there was nothing I could do, at least not until after.


I could hear the creek from the hall through the door which was still opened a jar. I pulled out my angel blade and waited a minute before walking into the hall. It was from exactly where I woke up from. Gabriel was laying on the ground, on the bright side he was still alive, but Gadreel was standing above him, holding an angel blade, about to stab him again. “Gadreel stop!” I called he did and he looked up at me. “You don’t need to do this” I said to him. “Yes I do” Gadreel said. “Then I won’t let you” I said holding up my blade. “You are a human, there is nothing you can do to me” Gadreel said, laughing. “If you say so, but it isn’t exactly what I can do to you, it’s what they can do to you” I was grinning at him, he was very confused. “The perks of being a prophet, I have an archangel on my shoulder” I told him. The room started to shake and Gadreel bolted and it stopped as suddenly as it started.

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