Chapter 29

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It had been a month, and it was now December 21, since everyone had been warned. I could tell though that they were becoming less believing every day that passed by. School had been canceled for the rest of the month since it was soon to be Christmas and then New Years a week later. I found myself walking down the street towards a small store. Inside it had a variety of things and trinkets. I looked around the store for anything that any of the boys, or Charlie, would like. On a bookshelf in the back I found a book of lore that I grabbed and under it was a thickly bound journal, with a thick leather strap to keep it closed, that I also grabbed. In the back was a few racks of clothes. I grabbed a couple button-ups for Sam. Having a thought occur to me, I walked back over to the bookshelf and grabbed a few books.


I walked over to the counter, and in the glass case was a long line of knives. At the end there were a couple of angel blades, and the rest were just normal knifes. There was a really cool blade that I found. It was maybe three inches in length and it ended in a spear point. The handle was made from some sort of gemstone. The blade itself was made of pure silver. “Could I please have that knife and one of the angel blades?” I asked the man pointing at the one that had caught my eye. “Are these gifts?” The man asked me. “Yes sir, but for a few different people” I told him. “Would you like me to but them into boxes?” He asked me. “Yes, thank you” I said to him. He put the knife into one box, then the blade into another. I put the rest of the things on the counter. The journal he put into a box, The Lore book and the button-ups in another, and the books into the last box. He put them all into a large bag and handed it to be over the counter. I paid and left.


I walked further on down the road and found a candy store. I grinned knowing exactly what to get Gabriel. I walked in and looked around. I grabbed a few different types of chocolate bars for him and some lollipops, I also grabbed a large bag of skittles for myself. I walked up to the counter, paid for the candy, took the new back that the woman behind the counter handed me, and left the store.


As I was walking down the street someone grabbed me from behind, placing one hand over my mouth, the other across my stomach. I jumped, startled at being grabbed, but then realized that it was just Gabriel who had grabbed me. He let me pull his hand off my mouth and he placed it on my stomach with the other one. “You scared the shit out of me Gabriel!” I said to him as he kissed the top of my head. “That was kinda the point” He said. He turned me around and gave me a full kiss. “So what is in the bags?” He asked. “Nothing that you need to see” I said to him. “Aww, come on sweet, can you give me a hint?” He aske me. I laughed at his childness. “If you must know they are Christmas presents. And no you aren’t seeing them” I told him. He stuck out his bottom lip like a little kid. I chuckled. “Cute” I said kissing him. “But it’s not working on me” I said grinning as I pulled back. “Dammit, I guess I will need to steal Sammy and use his puppy eyes against you”Gabriel said laughing. I laughed too. “Come on, lets go back home” He said taking my free hand, and attempting to take the bags from my other hand. “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t seeing in those bags” I said to him, pulling them away. “Dammit” He muttered.


We walked back together and when we got back I made him “go on errands” for me while I wrapped the gifts. When I was done wrapping I placed them under our lame excuse for a tree and sat down on the couch to take a break from all the craziness that was my life now. Just as I started to drift into sleep the door flew open and startled me awake. “Hannah, come quickly. There is something you need to see” Gabriel said. He had sort of a worried look. I followed him out of the house and into the school where he then led me to Tony’s office. We walked in and Tony was at his desk. “Good, you are here, come with me” Tony said.


He got up and walked out of his office and he followed him to the medical rooms. I was already starting to get a bad feeling. When we walked in there was a person laying on one of the beds with a sheet pulled over their head so I couldn’t see who it was. Tony walked over and pulled back the sheets, revealing Glenn, lying there dead on the bed. “Is he one of your friends?” Tony asked. I nodded and then answered in a quiet voice. “Yes, he was”. “Dammit, I was really hoping you would be wrong about this” Tony said. “Why, did you find something else?” I asked him. “No, but now the school is going to be in a state of panic” Tony said, then sighed. “Why don’t you guys go back to your house or something, I can deal with this for now” Tony said to us. “Be careful Tony, you don’t know who you can trust right now” I said to him and we left.

We walked silently most of the way back home. “I can’t believe this is finally happening” Gabriel said. “I can’t either” I said quietly. Gabriel could tell that I was upset. “Hannah, this isn’t your fault” Gabriel said stopping and turning to face me. “Yes it is” I said to him. “Hannah, how is this your fault?” Gabriel asked me. “He was my friend, and if I had kept my mouth shut like Metatron had told me too no one would be dying right now” I told him, then added, “How isn’t it my fault”. “First of all, you warned them. If they didn’t listen that isn’t your fault, that is theirs. Secondly, Metatron probably would have killed them anyways, even if you hadn’t told” Gabriel said sternly. “Gabriel, this is my fault. I had a choice, to come to this school or not. I chose to go so I could do something different. If I hadn’t of come here in the first place none of this would have happened” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. “Hannah, you had no idea this would happen. And besides if you hadn’t come you wouldn’t have met me and you wouldn’t be having a daughter right now. You would have never met any of these people and helped the people you helped. You have touched so many people here Hannah. If you hadn’t come you wouldn’t have effected as many people as you have” Gabriel said. “Yeah, but these people wouldn’t be dead” I said. “You don’t know that, like I said, Metatron would have killed people anyways” Gabriel said and he pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry this has to happen to you sweet. I love you” Gabriel said, stroking the back of my head. “I love you too Gabriel” I said to him. We stayed like that for a bit longer before heading back to the house.

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