Chapter 3

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        We ran down the halls, I was wearing heels so it was rather difficult to do without breaking my ankle. We got there right as they started to let people in. Fortunately this dance wasn’t money because I had none. Me and Charlie entered and we found a table. We sat down together and I found myself looking around desperately, I was looking for Gabriel. I was starting to think he wouldn’t show, and that this was just one of his “tricks” when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. Gabriel was standing there. He had attempted formal, which for him was a nice shirt. He still had on jeans and the green denim jacket. “Hi” I said. “You look great” He said to me. “Really? I don’t usually wear purple” I said to him. “You look good in purple” He said “Thanks” I said. I could feel my face heating up. “Chocolate?” He asked me holding out a bar of chocolate. “Thank you” I said taking it.


        I heard a coughing behind me. I had forgotten about Charlie, I turned back to face her. “Charlie, Gabriel, Gabriel, Charlie” I said introducing them. “Hello” Gabriel said. “Hey” Charlie said to him. “So I see you two have found each other” Dean said as he and Sam sat down. “Where is Cas?” Gabriel asked. “He stayed in the room, I guess dances aren’t his thing” Dean said. “They really aren’t he has people issues” Gabriel said. “I on the other hand would do anything to get out of my room. Seriously, you do not want to be near Michael and Lucifer when they are arguing, not fun” he added. “Yeah, those two, they fight way to much” Dean said. “Trust me I know, I’ve been living with them my whole life” Gabriel said. “How did it even start?” Dean asked. “How does any sibling rivalry start?” Gabriel asked as a way to answer Dean’s question. “Yeah, good point, they always start in stupid ways” Dean said. “Yeah, so I tend to stay the hell away from there, the only time I am ever in the room is when I’m sleeping, in between when I wake up and when I fall asleep I’m anywhere but there.” Gabriel said. “Yeah I can understand why” Dean said. “With them as your brothers, and roommates I wouldn’t even want to sleep in there” He added. “Yeah I try not to” Gabriel told him. “I’m going to go for a walk” I told them suddenly. “Okay, we will be here” Dean said. “See you” I said and I left.


        I walked around the ballroom. It was actually a really large place. I walked around for about ten minutes. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed over there, which doesn’t normally happen to me. Although this was all new for me. Before today these characters were all fictional to me. I decided to head back to the table. As I sat down though a slow song started playing. It was Bryan Adams, (Everything I do) I do it for you. Gabriel grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the floor. I put my hands on my shoulders and he put his around my waist and pulled me close to him. He was slightly taller than me, and he smelled really sweet. We slowly rocked back and forth the way people do when they dance.


        I closed my eyes and listen to the lyrics while we slowly rocked. I thought about what my friends would think if I told them about this, they would probably think I was crazy, but I didn’t care, after this dance there was going to be a group picture for me to send to my friends to show them what they were missing out on. The song ended and Survivor, Eye of The Tiger came on. He let go of me and I stepped back. “That was fun” I said to him smiling. “There is more where that came from” He said doing that famous eyebrow wiggle. My heart fluttered. We walked back over and sat down, but now Dean was gone. “Where is Dean?” I asked Sam. “Right here” Dean said sitting down, but I watched him pocket his phone. “You didn’t!” I said. “Didn’t what?” Dean asked. “You videoed it didn’t you?” I asked him. “Well, most of it” Dean said grinning. “You are an asshole!” I said to him. smacking his arm. “Right back at you Hannah” Dean said to me. We were all laughing.


        We spent the rest of the night just all talking. It was nice to talk to people who weren’t my normal friends. “Hey guys when this is all over I’m taking a picture to send to my friends so they can see what they are missing here” I said to them. “Fine” Dean grumbled. “Hello everyone! I know you are having a great time but this is going to be the last song of the night because it is almost midnight” The DJ said, there was a long no from the crowd. The last song started to play. It was Hinder, Lips of an Angel. I got up with Gabriel again and we walked back onto the floor and we both started to dance again. “This has been a fun night” I said to him, “Yeah, I’ve enjoyed it” Gabriel said, he was looking down at me. My face was slowly starting to get red. “You doing anything after your classes end tomorrow?” Gabriel asked me. “No” I said. “Would you like to hang out with me after?” Gabriel asked me. “Sure!” I said smiling. “Cool, so I’ll pick you up at five” Gabriel said. “Sounds great!” I said.


        I couldn’t believe any of this was happening to me! These things never happened to me. I mean sure they did in my stories, but that was because I wrote it that way, not because that was actually how it happened. Life was so much different than stories. The song ended and we shifted apart. I leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I felt his hand slip into my pocket. “Thanks for the great night” He said and walked off. I was beyond words. I had one hand on my cheek where he had kissed it and the other in my pocket. There was a piece of paper in there. I pulled it out. On it was a number. ‘Here is my number, text me’ it read.


        I walked back over to where the boys were. The lights came back on and it hurt my eyes after all that time in the dark. “Okay guys group up” I said. The four of us got into a group and I took a picture. “Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow Charlie” I said and I walked off with the boys to our dorm. “So how did it go?” Dean asked me. “How did what go?” I asked him. “You know, you and Gabriel” Dean said. “Well we are going to be hanging out tomorrow after classes, and he gave me his phone number” I said, intentionally leaving out the kiss he gave me, I knew that would be endless teasing from the boys.

        We got back to the room and I changed out of my dress and into my pjs. I got into my bed and grabbed my phone. ‘Hey guys, so college is off to a great start for me!! Guess who I met??’ I sent in a group message to Megan, Jillian, and Elizabeth. ‘Who?’ Megan asked so I sent the picture. ‘Dude you met the actors of supernatural!?’ Jillian said. ‘Nope I met them, this college is strange, I’m literally rooming with Sam, Dean, and Cas. Charlie is my best friend pretty much. And I’m going on a date with Gabriel tomorrow’ I sent to them. ‘No way! That isn’t possible’ Megan said. ‘Tell that to them’ I said. The boys were asleep already so I silently took a picture of them. I sent it to my friends. ‘Holy shit!’ Megan said. ‘You lucky..!’ Jillian sent. ‘I know right!! I talk to you guys tomorrow, my classes start tomorrow’ I sent. I turned off my phone and placed it on the table next to me. I fell asleep almost right away.

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